Nov 13, 2003 12:04
i took off friday morning to primm w/ eric for the marine ball. it was actually fun!!! open bar started off at 5 thirty pm. we met up w/ Steve and Michelle at the ball.. we didnt hang out for to long since steve had to be taken to his room earlier than expected *he got totally lit* eric and i still ended up going to vegas afterwards.pple assumed that we had just gotten married.. since i was wearing a cream colored gown and eric was wearing his blues...the next day we had breakfast at this cute restaurant at the paris. then later on i got ready to hit the strip w/ some other ppl.. we had a shit load off fun.. but we ended up going back to the room at 11 *we were totally bent* we invited stragers on the way back...where we drank some more. i think i started a pillow fight where eric and i were badly hurt. I ened up knocking out for the night... i woke up naked the next morning.. yeah right....hahahaha. we packed up our crap.. drank some more and took off to excalibur to watch the tournament of kings w/ Phoney, Alexis and Carlos.. pretty fun. only that eric tried putting his arm around me.. i could of sworn i told him was talking to someone.. he started being a dick afterwards.. he fucking told me that i was basically a bitch and that i had ripped his heart out and dropped kicked it... i had told him that the most we could become was best buds.. so instead he says he's going to stop talking to me because he was suffering... yet he called monday and tuesday... hmmmmm....
well anywho.. that was my weekend... last night i hung out w/ someone very special =)we cuddled at alan/s house* which was very sweet* mmmmmmuah.. Danny.... had fun!!!!!!