costa rica

Jul 24, 2006 02:38

hey well i havent done this in forever. but its 227 in the monring and im in a hostel sitting next to a friend name ray and i have decided on a whim to update and try to figure what i have been doing for the past 6 months, well not technically 6 months yet, we still have about a week left. im really not ready to leave, like i wanna take a vacation and see everyone back in the states but for a vacation and then come back to cr and live iwth my family and go to my school. no dont get me wrong, i love all you guys so much, you guys my friends my beloved ones who ever is going to read this. but im just not ready to come back to reality yet, not ready for my senior year, for pressure and stupid shit to fall and im not sure were this is going but i do want to see everyone but not go to school andhave stupid shit to deal with.

well costa rica is amazing, im loving almost every minute. i cant believe that im here and that i have almost accomplished this amazing trip. now that i think about it i think i could have done a whole year, definalty, i feel as though i still have so much yet to experience and learn from my family and friends, and i feel taht if i leave now that i will loose all that i have learned and that when i come back it will be like starting from the beginging and that was no easy task. i still feel as though im finally moving out of the beginging stages. but that is ok, this is part of the program, you have to face coming back, and back to the life that you left, and leave the one that you have created. your world is in now 2 different places, and you are torn beetween two different world, almost complelety different. and you wish taht you could in some way meld the two worlds together becuase you dont want to have to leave one of them to go to the other, but yet you dont want to bring them togetehr becuase the way you came accross them, was seperately and they are different and cant be meshed together, first off, cant take everyone out of costa rica and put them in FL and cant take everyone in FL and move them to CR but that would be nice, lets all live in CR its beaufitul, and the people are so nice, and the boys are beautiful.

so i have got to know a bit of costa rica, but i still kinda wanna do the tourist thing, becuase i didnt get to see as much of costa rica as i would have wanted. but i did get to go to some pretty good places. like i went to puerto viejo and the people were so chill and really relaxed and just relaly like no worries no cares and i just felt as though that would be a place to come back with many a different people so they could get to know it. but it was quite touristy, but thats ok i expected taht. but it was a bit disconcerting being around os many people that i understood what they were talking aobut.
i feel as though that CR in las esperanzas if my life and my ome, but so is goodland and i miss you guys but dont no ready to come home, but i will see you in aobut 3 weeks. and i will call you when iget in the states.

i lov eyou guys, you will never know how much of an impact you have made on my life, even though some of you i dont know you as well as i would like you stil have had an impact on my life in one way or the other, and i apreciate that, you ahve helped me in one way or ther other. and now if someone would just help me iwth my spelling

love you so much

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