Thursday was really nice. Went out for dinner & tarot with a friend, chatted and gossiped all night, and had nice quiet fun. The train rides home were awful (slow *and* un-airconditioned), and my a/c unit at home wasn't quickly fixing the heat problem.
And then I looked up to make sure a rustling noise I'd heard was just a fallen piece of plastic or something, and saw that it actually was a mouse.
Cue uber-panic.
Except that while I was in anxiety mode, it was not as bad a freak out as I usually have. Even tho the heat has been making me extra anxious. My neighborhood friend came over to help me set traps despite his own heat exhaustion, and let me crash on his couch for the night. Again, sadly no a/c, and I only slept about 4 hours between lights from outside and all previous situations. And on top of my mounting sinus problems. And now some new stomach problems, both heat and anxiety triggered. I was a mess.
And yet... I was not a *complete* wreck the next day. I was physically sick enough to stay home from work, and needed to stay home to have maintenance check for holes anyway. After some haggling with the maintenance office they sent up the nice-super, and he found a new one (or an old unnoticed one) at the end of the pipe for the radiator. He filled that one, but unfortunately the rest of the pipe and the place where pipe meets actual wall are inside this weird boxy part of the kitchen cabinets that doesn't really do anything. So the only way to be sure we've got that taken care of is to tear out and replace all the kitchen stuff. And now I have the motivation to get that together (tho I spazzed and didn't get the forms this morning, as I half expected, *sigh*).
Didn't find anything in the traps Friday morning, but while cleaning found a large dead roach, which relaunched all of my upsettedness. And I'm going to look into this weather-stripping door edging stuff to close off those gaps without sealing off my front and back doors. Yay for Home Depot to-store delivery.
But the sleep deprivation wasn't as bad as I would have expected. Either 4 hours is a good even chunk of sleep for my brain (I do apparently sleep in two 4 hour chunks now, but waking me up 2 hours early will f' me up miserably?), or I was really pumped up on adrenaline. So I washed all the kitchen and eating-area floors, took out all the recycling clutter near the radiator, and then sealed all the gaps around that square none-cabinet thing with expanding foam. And then took a shower and tried to sleep, but realized I was finally hungry, so ate something and then took a 90 minute nap. My neighborhood friend was hanging out with other friends nearby, but my stomach was too upset for leaving the house, and also OMG heat index. Was unable to relax in my own home, but not healthy enough to leave it, very unhappy Chrysilla.
Around 9:30 pm I put in my ear plugs (the foam in the kitchen was settling with a lot of annoying little pops and other noises) and slept until 10:30 on Saturday. And the anxiety was all gone. Which is not normal for me, so UBERYAY!!
Fast bounce-back from anxiety attack, less freaked out by phobias.
+5 Sanity
+2 Spoons
+5 Cleanliness
Saturday I still felt pretty hung over (but no more than usual for a weekend), so I lazed around for a bit and eventually went thru a 'fun' chore while watching Buffy dvds.
Went through my clothing cold-storage bins. Now I have a BIG Discardia pile, a number of cheap sheets/fabrics for muslins, and a bunch of clothes ready to be turned into other clothes/items. Now all nice and organized by state/use, and the bins and drawers can all *close* now :-P
+5 Sanity
+10 Discardian
+10 Sewing
+5 Budget (wont have to buy muslin fabric *or* new clothes for a bit)
Then my neighborhood friend invited me over to hang out and watch tv and have leftover gf/df noms, and we had a nice view of the evening thunderstorm. And I finally saw three eps of the new Red Dwarf series. And outside it was finally less-hot enough to breathe, yay!
+5 Social Life
+5 Pagan
+5 Geekiness
I'd already decided earlier that I'd do my CC trip on Sunday, b/c it was supposed to be not-100F that day. Managed to buy 2 weeks worth of groceries and stick to my shopping list/budget. I think I've figured out how to stick to a montly food budget, esp in light of breaking up with paleo and silly cooking, but next month I'll have a better run at it.
+5 Budget
Did all of my regular chores, but only the simplest of cooking for my lunches. Yay for CC's array of me-friendly sausages.
+5 Spoons
-5 Cooking
And I worked on some sewing. Finished the clothing part of the Delenn costume! Also found some silver stretch-poplin I'd cut out a few months ago, for what turned out to be the easiest pants pattern evar. Being woven instead of knit, I was able to cheat and leave out the waistband elastic (b/c lazy). Within 2 hours I was Captain Shinypants! They would match the grey leather corset I had, if I had the energy to wear said corset. Will find an appropriate DCon outfit for them :-).
+5 Sewing
+5 Geekiness
+5 Shiny
here is a photo collage of the process of making the Delenn jacket/skirt costume on my Tumblr b/c photo-blogging is easier that way. And some bits about things I did/fixed and the pattern number.
As for
this week's tarot forecast (tumblr) it looks like being towards the end of my budget limits may drive me a bit nutz this week. I do want some things for pest control reasons, and in that case going $30 over won't be the end of the world. In the future, maybe I want to *only* aim on spending 2/3 of my extras budget, so I have that extra cash in case of 'emergency' stuff like this.
By contrast, I was also tempted to order additional stuff for the DCon costume so I'd have maximum time for assembly, but I think I'm going to keep working/improvising with what I already have. If I need to order some things next month for the very last bit, I think I'll get it in time to not drive myself nutz at the last minute. If I get my Joann's delivery tomorrow at work, I should have all the materials to make the head piece, brooch, and belt buckle. If I finish those before the end of July, one more prop wont melt my brain. May also use scraps of Delenn fabric to make a small matching handbag, b/c that would be nice.
Woke up this morning with an intense need to CRAFT ALL THE THINGS. Unfortunately, I had to go to work. I only have an allergy shot Wednesday evening, so I'm hoping if I keep the rest of my weeknights free I'll have energy/impetus to get a lot of crafty things done. Costuming, jewelry, photos, sewing UFOs, whatevs. Am tempted to take out the bead kit on the circ desk, as its a summer evening and there's barely anyone visiting the library.
Today I came into the office to find my fabric swatches waiting for me, so yay. And after all the work I did to see I don't really have room for a lot of new normal-skirts. *sigh* And a lot of those swatches turned out super translucent. On the other hand, swatches for the wedding-costume seem pretty fun. Will compare them to the coat fabric and see what looks best. And now I have material to muslin the coat properly, woot. No ordering new fabric until next month tho.
But I must say, all the SDCC footage and online responses have severely whetted my appetite for DragonCon. I'm torn between wishing it were this week, and being glad its not b/c I have costume stuff to finish ;-) And I REALLY want to do more than one con next year.
<3 Chrysilla
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,