Hello sleep dep, did not miss you.

Jun 28, 2013 16:23

So today is borked. *thud*

Wednesday, at the very end of the work day, I was suddenly aware that I was too dizzy to walk effectively. The dizziness persisted, but I managed to meet up briefly with a friend (who relieved me of the burden of owning NWoD books, hail Discardia), and then get myself home. But the dizziness didn't really stop. There was one sharp pain in the space between my jaw-joint and my ear, but other than that no pain. I'd started feeling dizzy at work when the crews were burning stuff, so it could have been chemical fumes or burnt dust messing me up. Plus heat and humidity, and a week full of migraines thus far.

Still felt horrible Thursday morning, so I stayed home sick and tried treating it like a sinus infection. B/c neurological weirdness usually happens to me because of my sinuses. It ... sorta worked? Musinex, nasal rinses, extra spicy food, hot tea. I'm not dizzy today, or at least not in the same way.

Then last night I woke up ... a bit past the middle (? can't tell, no bedroom clock) of my sleep cycle, b/c of an acid indigestion signal from my stomach that yes, there is such a thing as too much salsa before bedtime. Took some antacids, the stomach felt better, but then I just could. Not. Sleep anymore. At least two hours of insomnia, probably more like three (no clock). I'd gone to bed early, at least, so I could get my allergy shots before work, and even remembered to set my alarm.

Finally, as I was getting my lunch ready, a smaller roach popped out from behind my couch and I got to chase it down with teh Raid. Not so far, and usually the smaller ones don't freak me out so much, but early-morning sleep dep is not helpful towards sanity. Wiped up the ded bug and excess chemicals, but will have to rinse the floor properly when I get home.

And then skipped off to get my four allergy shots, which don't really make me feel good immediately, but at least I didn't have a reaction.

I think musinex just f's up my sleep cycle. I didn't even take it before bed, just Thursday morning for a 12 hour dose, but cold meds just mess me up after the fact. Sho annoying.

At least these days of extreme sleep dep are no longer an every day/week thing?

Lunch gave me back a few spoons, and I already know how to get through a work day with lots of sleep deprivation, but its looking like I'm not going to make it to Recess this weekend, or the witchfest out front on Astor Pl :-(. I'm going to be curled up in a ball at home pretending that there is no outside world, maybe catching up on the DW I still haven't watched. At least I have geeky plans for the nite of 7/4 to look forward to.

Apparently Mercury is in retrograde, and for ppl with my chart layout that means social re-evaluations. So... apparently Mercury doesn't want me playing RPGs anymore. Well F#$% you too, dude.

My fabric shipment came into the office yesterday, so its all ready for me to take home today. At least there's that good news. And the work crews finished their stuff in our office area yesterday, so no more fumes or burning dust to inhale.

Also, the boss decided that since there will be no classes on 7/5, and we have 7/4 off anyway, she would just close the library. Our options were to come in anyway and work on our clerical stuff (with possible work crew annoyances), or take a last minute vacation day (usually we need to make arrangements 30 days in advance). I was a bit torn, cuz I would have also liked to save that day for my pto cushion, in case I have another marathon s.i., and a day without patrons wouldn't be so bad. Also, I don't have to pay for the a/c at work.

But given how yucky I've felt this week, and that having a 2.5 day work week + 4 day weekend would mean a lot less cooking (and possibly *no* buying of groceries) this weekend... I think Ima stay home. Also, crafty and costumey stuff can get worked on. And I can stay out late on 7/4 guilt free, tho I'm curious to see what happens to my energy levels on a late nite. Haven't had one in a long time.

But this weekend, unless I have a magnificent leap of new energy tomorrow, I'm going to stick with minimum chores and intermittent sewing stuff, if that. Did not get around to any while home sick b/c I didn't trust myself enough to use scissors, let alone a sewing machine. But now I have all the fabric-related pieces for my B5 costume, so yay. May work on the jewelry too. My brain is sparking a few ideas despite sleep dep, but I'll reevaluate them when I'm healthy again. I just hope I'm awake enough to pay the bills this weekend.

And no more salsa right before bedtime. Am thinking of going without corn chips next week to see what happens. I'm getting more energy during the day, but also still more awake right before bedtime again, so I'm worried that the processed carbs are kicking my adrenal fatigue back up again. But ... the less processed carbs are so hard to digest. Ugh, digestive systems are lame.

Might make another batch of ice cream, but I'm starting to question the wisdom of even a paleo-recipe amount of un-caffeinated sugar in an evening. But the last batch set up well in both containers, so yum. Might bake more brownies for the 7/4 party b/c I can't think of a savory dish that would actually travel. Will ask them about it.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, http://chrysilla.dreamwidth.org/

events, work, sinus, cf, health, stomach, dizziness, phobias, sewing, vacation, socialneeds, sleep, medications, food

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