Making Way

Dec 14, 2011 10:07

Weekly Writing Prompt: Making Way
What? Like it's hard or something?

Getting in gear is kinda tricky when your gears feel all frozen. But until I can figure out why, I can't be absolutely sure what to use for an oil can :-/

Been working on getting my ducks in a row for a few weeks already, so this blog-club (and another called BatFit about goths getting in shape) were happy coincidences. Yay camaraderie.

The Chantry is actually pretty well decluttered, ever since I discovered the religion/festival of Discardia. Now that I'm sewing things myself, I'm a little dismayed at all the nice clothes I gave away instead of altering or copying them, but my chantry is much neater then that of many friends.

Um, except for the bathroom. There are messes there that need cleaning, and broken things that need replacing. Will probably work on that this weekend b/c I'm off antihistamines this week until after my food-allergy tests on Friday. And I've had many a sinus infection after house cleaning thanx to dust and mold allergies :-P

After that, replenish the salt bowl and break out the herbal incenses. Cedar and catnip are good (for me) for cleansing and are supposedly natural bug repellants.

One of my plans/goals is to incorporate more stone lore into my jewelry work, so I've also been reorganizing my jewelry supplies and work bench. Adding more boxes to the storage system so the ones I have aren't packed too tightly. Started last night, ran out of boxes, need moar boxes (darnit).

A couple weeks ago I realized seeing a giant laundry basket full of sewing projects every day was stressing me out, so I already found a place in my extra dresser/entertainment center to keep them organized but out of sight. From space I cleared out by throwing away some old VHS tapes.

Longer-term chantry projects include replacing the oven, for which I have the $$ but was hoping it would last until summer when I fix up the kitchen all together. Also painting my tiny hallway, maybe the bathroom too, and putting a full size mirror on the wall. It is a good space for photographing teh sewing projects, and probably modeling jewelry as well if I can get the lights sorted out. I have a color picked for the hallway, but no idea what to do with the bathroom. Still hoping to get the painting done over winter break, spoons permitting. I've heard January is a good month to get new appliances.

I've wondered if I should just give up on the sewing. It takes SOOOO LOOOONG and gets in the way of my bead bizness. On the other hand, I already have all of this fabric for specific projects of items I can't buy ready-made. And its not like I ever leave the house anyway. Maybe my new goal will be to have many awesome clothes by the time I have the energy for a social life again. Also considered making sewing a thing I only do on weekends, so I can focus on jewelry during the week.

As for teh beads, I still find a lot of satisfaction in making teh shinies. But photographing, cataloging, and Etsy-ing them is annoying. Trying to beef up my Etsy hits with blog and twitter is also annoying. So I may just lay off on the annoying bits for a while. I have a vending engagement coming up in February to work on, and those pieces don't have to be on Etsy before the fact. Tho having people go "OMG SHINY" about the things I post online is often a good ego boost for me. Was planning to add stone/color lore info to all of my Etsy listings. But there are a lot of them.

Feelin lots of guilt lately about missing friends shows, book launch parties, and regular parties due to being too tired for a social life. More guilty if I spend the evening sewing instead. But this is very not logical. The people I know nowadays tend to be pretty laid back and will not hold a mysterious chronic illness against me. But I often end up regarding my social life and jewelry bizness as plant gardens, and I feel like if I don't give them enough water/attention its all going to shrivel up and die. That is a hard feeling to shake. At least I'm not involved in any teamwork type projects right now, b/c I would be useless to the pack.

Right now my health seems to be the most problematic rock, b/c I can't tell how big or what shape it is :-/ And if I can't figure it out, I don't know how other ppl could help me carry it. The brain-fog that goes with it makes it hard to keep up with any other projects.

I started the Clean Program's elimination diet (without the smoothies, tho I may play with that later if I get a blender from Santa this year) after Thanksgiving b/c I am desperate to get my groove back. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and medical science seems unwilling to help. My (possibly useless) doctor says my blood tests are all normal, including my thyroid (tho she only tested for TSH and not T3) and didn't bother to scan for any diseases (lymes, mono, etc). *headdesk* I have a follow up appointment for that today and may have to badger more tests out of her.

If it is under-the-radar hypothyroidism, or adrenal fatigue, I will need to stay off the refined carbs and sugar for quite a long time. Tho if my allergist rules me not-allergic to some of the other things not allowed on the elimination diet I may take those back into my nomming habits.

Also, a honey pot worked OK for romantic magnetism (or well enough for someone who rarely leaves the house, *headdesk*) so I may make another to improve my health. I find it easier to keep up with one 'fetch' than individual candle rituals. Will probably look for a yellow/golden colored jar for that.

Is it odd that I can stick to an elimination diet, and over a year ago I decided to start flossing and kept up with it, but I can't remember to meditate or yoga-cise every day? Or any day, really.

Another important resolution would be to not feel bad about being too tired to perform any of the above tasks. Those are the nights when I'ma eat a giant bowl of borscht and watch Valmont on teh Netflix.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

newyearnewyou, business, chantry, health, sewing, pagan, levelonediagnostic, jewelry

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