Hanging in there.

Nov 10, 2011 14:59

I keep having no energy to do anything. But for the most part, over the last week or two I've accepted that, and am feeling less grouchy about my inability to be a social butterfly or effective producer of shiny things. Accepted, or given up fighting it. I conserve enough energy/spoons/hitpoints to get to work and back, and mostly keep up with chores. I'm keeping up with the sewing, but even that seems like too much work on some days. Have been more grouchy this week, but I think that's a symptom of TTotM.

Much as I respect my friends who are spoonies I really don't want to be one anymore. Tho I think its fair to say nobody really wants to be one :-/

But in good news, my primary care physician does still take my health insurance, so the letter I got from UHC was an annoying mistake. I have an appointment for next Wednesday, where I hope she will perform every ethical test known to man on my unhappy body. So long as its *treatable* without being *terminal* I will not go on an angst binge. Am also going to ask for a copy of all of the test results, so I can keep my own records. Just in case UHC wants to mess with my life patterns again.

After some internet research, I'm going to ask her to look out for hypothyroidism and/or adrenal fatigue. And after talking to my parents about it Mom told me she has Hashimoto's thyroiditis disease. That would not be fun to have, but at least its something doctors would know how to treat. Although I don't think I have an enlarged thyroid. And her sister had to have her thyroid removed in her 20s, after she had her first child. So my thyroid may have joined in with the other body parts that dislike me. My stomach's also been pretty bad for the last few months, and very very bad this week, will inquire about that as well.

arcane_the_sage is wondering if this personal energy crisis is a wall or a mountain. Would I feel better if some friend just showed up to drag me out of the house, or off for surprise adventures after work? If I started forcing my butt to attend tai chi classes? Or would it just make me more tired?

On the other hand, I still have the left-foot pain and should see a podiatrist before I start new exercises. Am getting the hang of not making it worse, but have not yet found a way to make it stop. Leaning more towards plantar faciitis rather than a heelspur, b/c while it started out feeling very localized, its moved around since then. It was probably caused by my weight gain, which is in turn a common symptom of thyroid problems. There are podiatrists right near work, I just have to break thru the brain fog and remember to call them.

And that nice fortune teller said I'd be back to making awesome things by the winter solstice. *crosses fingers*

<3 Chrysilla

depression, health, mental health, autumnbreak

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