... NOW can I get it back together pls?

Sep 14, 2011 13:13

So, DragonCon happened. I was feeling pretty sickly, stress, and sleep deprived a lot of it so I did not enjoy the con quite as much as other years. But I gave up Saturday night activities to sleep from 9pm-ish to 9am-ish and made up for some lost time on Sunday. Went to a ton of costuming panels, a podcasting panels, saw Felicia Day from far away, saw Sylvester McCoy when he stepped on me (LOL), and did have fun. Due to feeling yucky I didn't wander about as much as usual, so I didn't run into that many of my friends, and that also felt lacking. There's always next year, and next year there will be MOAR COSTUMES :-D

Saturday nite I also had a recurrence of the stomach flu symptoms I had before the hurricane, not fun. Luckily, I had plenty of simple carb options in the food court to keep myself running for the weekend. But then when I got home I was immediately smacked with a headcold (most likely started by allergies) and did not make it back into work until Friday. Sho frustrating. And the sniffles persist, but not so badly that I have to take a ton of extra meds. Due to a bad nosebleed last week, I'm trying to avoid taking tons of remedies anyway.

DCon actually helped me focus on and prioritize what I want to be doing with my non-job time for the next few months. I don't know if that's weird, but its me, so Ima go with it.

First tier priorities:

-Jewelry, and getting the biz back on its feet.

-Writing the damn radio scripts.

-Tai chi classes, so maybe I'll stop feeling so yucky all the time.

Lesser tier priorities:


-Watching teh improv.

-Socializing with my nerdkine (readings, DoV, Anachronism, picnics, etc).

-Puppeteering, but I'm still having a hard time figuring out *where* to do that, so it may be at the bottom of the list for a while. But I really miss it.

I wonder how good Dusk would be at selling jewelry?

Not sure where sorcery falls into this list. Its more a way-of-life than a priority, anyway.

I do really like doing improv, but its very time consuming, and I miss my other projects. The community will still be there if I decide to go back to it. My life is now a weird push and pull between making-stuff and performing-stuff, so for now making-stuff is winning. I emailed my practice team to say I'm not going back, but I hope they keep me in the loop about their performances so I can see how they're doing :-) And there are always Magnet Mixers.

I'm still in a short term elective class at the Magnet (and missed the first class on Saturday due to feeling yucky) that actually relates more to my interest in writing radio than improv itself. Not sure about taking more classes, but after that is a Shakespeare improv 4 week class that has piqued my interest. Unfortunately, thinking about having a class obligation still makes my blood pressure plummet. And $$ is kinda tight due to the week of sickliness, a fabric habit, and NYWBS in October.

Now if I could just get healthy enough to do this stuff, dammit. I'm ready for it to stop being 'summer break' now, and have watched quite enough Star Trek for a few weeks.

Started taking flaxseed oil pills for the omega 3s I might be missing, and iron to see if it helps. In addition to a half dose multivitamin and D pills that I already take (mostly) daily. Food is just too confusing in terms of nutrition, I would rather hedge my bets with supplements and see if I feel better. Feeling better is really my main overarching goal right now.

A martial arts group in SoHo has a Tai Chi beginners class on Thursdays, but this week I'm still feeling a bit sniffly, and I'm going to see Bill Bailey in concert tomorrow (YAAAAY!!!) so that's for next Thursday. Yay for water bending class ;-)

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, http://chrysilla.dreamwidth.org/

writing, goals, summerbreak, improv, health, mental health, dragoncon

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