My tweets

Sep 10, 2011 08:15

  • Fri, 12:48: Oh well, looks like I'll have to increase the shipping rates on mah Etsy shop. Finally shipped the item ordered during Dragoncon, whups. #fb
  • Fri, 16:45: O ya, quinoa & munster worked nicely in a pinch :-) Unfortunately, none left for lunchtime today. #fb
  • Fri, 16:46: Tomorrow I may receive an alternative surface for cutting fabric, b/c using the couch is killing my back. #fb
  • Fri, 16:54: Mood wavering btw "Yay! I'm bein productive!" and "Wow, I suck at everything." Is this whut Claritin withdrawl feels like? #fb
  • Fri, 17:01: My plan is to plan next week for all the following weeks' plans. Also, NYRSF on Tuesday :-) #fb
  • Sat, 02:21: Yay, Lyta Alexander and Dodger! Two #B5 red heads on #TNG at the same time :-) #fb


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