Spring was late. Hibernation = over now.

May 10, 2011 14:24

Had a really vivid dream before waking up this morning. I've packed up my jewelry from a con sale thing, and brought it back to my parents house. Later there's going to be a CMV event and I'm only slated for selling tarot readings, and the bookshop is right across the street from the family house, but I'm trying to figure out if I should bring just a leetle jewelry with me just in case. And then there's a fawn running around the house, up and down stairs. Cute & soft, but what is a wild animal doing in here? And won't it hurt itself running on the hard basement steps? Its legs look typically fawn-fragile. So I take and apple and pick bits of it off to lure the fawn to our back yard, and then rush back into the house before it follows. And I feel pretty bad about it, but it was for the fawn's own good. And then my dad and brother get home, and apparently the fawn was fine to run around the house. In fact, they had wanted it to stay. I'm even more upset, and rush to go find it outside before I go to the event. My brother says it especially likes bacon, so I take that instead of the apple. I'm prepared to hunt all over the back wooded area behind our house and beyond, but I just find it curled up sad & somewhat dejectedly in the garden beds, maybe waiting for someone to come back out and get him. I bring him back in, he does indeed like bacon.

If this isn't a metaphor or warning for my lost muse, I'm not sure what is. Or now I have a deer/stag guide. Will look into it.

I still haven't been awake enough in the mornings to do morning pages before work. Lately its all I can do to drag my butt out of bed on time, I'm way more groggy and lethargic than usual. Not sure what's up.

But I *am* reading up on audio theater for a possible project. I've never really had the patience for writing prose, novels, short stories, etc. When I learned screen writing and could just shape character through dialog and actions without eight million adjectives, it was incredibly freeing. Unfortunately, Gallatin was all art and no business, and I didn't really know where/how to keep going with it.

Radio, or now "audio theater" always intrigued me, but between NYU and the comedy theaters nobody seems to teach it. And yet modern tech would make it such a cheap-and-easy medium to work with and promote.

On one hand, I want to learn more about this. On the other, I already took a refresher course in screenwriting a few years ago and I still went nowhere with it. But film is a lot more expensive & complicated. And that teacher did give awesome advice that's helped me think more critically about film & art and now improv.

A writer friend has radio writer friends, so I hope I can uncover some local class or workshop where I can learn. But she's already sent me a ton of online info for me to wrap my head around. Yay, brainfood! That distracts me from the aggravations of NYU finals week! Yay!

I have one project that's been rolling around inside my head for a couple of years, and I'm finally starting to wake up and brainstorm on it. Another that I thought would make a great webcomic is noted, but for later.

However, I think I will practice tech, distribution, and actor wrangling with a recording of something Shakespearean. With a sci fi filter. Something I made a stage model of for class in college. Shakespeare is free domain, right? First I want to start writing drafts of my main project.

And this brain-waking-up feeling? Even if I lose it by next week and settle back into apathy, or get distracted back into jewelry work, at least its fun for right now.

<3 Chrysilla

pagan, writing, dream, audiotheater

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