Whom do you serve, and whom do you trust?

Feb 01, 2011 18:04

Rachel's master class was canceled today due to an ice storm that doesn't seem to be here yet. It's icky outside, but only the tiniest fraction of the winter nightmares NYC has had lately. Maybe it will get worse?

Was thinking of going out to see shows instead, cuz I haven't gotten to see many in the last couple of weeks and I feel more awake than usual, but I also have a stomach ache telling me to get home. As well as a box of books from B&N that just came in. The Broken Kingdoms, Wyrd Sisters, and Rosemary and Rue. Jewelry will probably come out of these books, that's been slow but steady goin'. Could probably run another errand on the way home to cheese grits and riffling through my file cabinet. Also on the to-do list are taxes (so easy this year b/c my business went nowhere) and the budget tracking for January. Mmmmm cheese grits.

Today we had a surprise "All Libraries" meeting at NYU, only a surprise cuz I forgot about it. And probably also due to this odd feeling of "I'm... awake?" I have the sudden desire to finish my MLS. I've worked for NYU libraries as a cataloger for over a decade (four part-time as undergrad) and could probably be making more than 40G a year. Here or elsewhere. Might have to settle for here, tho, until I get my degree and the economy stops leveling libraries.

I'm a unicorn, a copy cataloger without an MLS, but I was taught on the job as an undergrad. And from what my coworkers told me about their cataloging classes, and the one data searching course I've taken at LIU/Palmer so far, I have an enormous edge on any data searching course or degree. I am a data cowboy. So tonight I will probably also look for my registration packet again.

If its out of date or lost (tho I'm pretty sure I saw it during the file purge of winter break) I can just stop by and get a new one this week. I got my transcripts and everything, but flaked on getting my letters of recommendation and any of those writing bits. As far as their program goes the last time I talked to them, I can skip the GREs because I graduated with above a 3.5 gpa. NYU was giving 25% tuition remission, may be different now. And having letters or rec from the head librarian of the Courant Institute, and my old boss who is now head of acquisitions at Colombia University, would probably be pretty good.

I may also get home, turn on the internet, and forget all about any of this. I may still be burnt out on research and paper writing (that's what stopped me so far from following thru). And I don't know how I'll balance this with my present improv addiction, all the other activities & friends groups I already neglect, and kitchen reno. But right now I'm impatient to get this done. And probably also high on the candy they handed out at the all libraries meeting. Whups.

Actually, that's been a concern of mine for a few weeks now. Not the MLS, but being unsure of which groups of friends to invest time with. Probably because I've been too busy to hang out with *anyone* for a few weeks, so now everyone's on a level playing field.

A friend on Tumblr found a Time Magazine quote about Facebook: "It suspends the natural process by which old friends fall away over time, allowing them to build up endlessly, producing the social equivalent of liver failure."

I wouldn't describe anyone that I follow online as friends as liver blockage (at least not since I cut a few people out of my life four years ago), but I'm wondering if my life is moving on. Not that I'm going to cut all ties with the people I still see online, but I may start feeling a lot less guilty about missing events and activities that I just don't have time for right now. That may include improv, I'm just not sure yet. But that is certainly what I've been working on the most, and not a lot of my old friends have the time to see my stuff either.

Local things I've been involved in since college graduation: Larping/gaming, jewelry, goth clubbing (tho usually by myself), Neo-Paganism, Pub Night, NY Jedi, the SF literary scene, Dances of Vice type events, vending at fairs/events, improv. And now maybe an MLS? And I've never really found a way onto the nyc kink scene, I'm only more knowledgeable than your average vanilla.

... That's a lot.

I guess it's mostly guilt. My friends are still inviting me to parties, events, and projects, but I don't have time for them right now. But I don't think anybody holds that against me. Things and people change. On the other hand, I could devote my social time entirely to the improv community but I don't know if that would satisfy all of my needs. The improv scene has definitely alleviated my fears of normals, but I need to geek out too. And I whine when there is not enough of teh geek, and tell stories about Wicked Faire and DragonCon that the onlookers don't really get. And I'm still wary of new social scenes and their potential drama llamas.

I have no answers or conclusions. But at least I'm starting to figure out what the questions are.

Not to mention, there are friends from several of those social spheres also working at or near NYU whom I could call up to have lunch with on any weekday. I just forget. Work gives me tunnel vision. Tho the cold weather isn't helping, I'd much rather curl up at my desk watching Twitter and eating my packed lunch most of the time.

In this case maybe social networking can help me feel like I'm still connected to all my old friends and activities, and see what they're up to, without actually having to go there all the time. Instead of being guilty for all I've missed and don't see.

Time to go home and do my taxes. YAY!

<3 Chrysilla

books, finance, work, mls, improv, social life, gaming, larp, facebook, taxes, lj

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