Jan 21, 2011 03:17
- 09:22:25: Tonight is my mid-week evening of rest. Don't care what's happening at the theater, I need a bubble bath and #Primeval marathon :-P. #fb
- 09:23:36: Last night - fancy chocolate, improv practice, and French food with gal pals. THIS! IS! CHELSEA!!!!
- 10:00:34: Petit Fours! http://nblo.gs/dfaK1
- 10:23:06: Photo: digsyfinallyhasa: http://tumblr.com/xup1b0ei5k
- 10:27:44: New issue of Goblin Fruit! - An online art and poetry magazine “of the fantastical” :-D http://tumblr.com/xup1b0fbfs
- 10:30:10: Whitewashing the Sci Fi - I was actually impressed by the amount of human diversity in Babylon 5 at first,... http://tumblr.com/xup1b0fqxo
- 10:56:10: The world inside my head: http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1844
- 11:29:17: Our time of isolation is over! http://j.mp/dEoGrd
- 11:56:50: Also for tonight - online clothes shopping, Holy Clothing has a free shipping offer and sizes that run large. Yay!
- 13:14:07: Wow, got that weird called-in prescription refill without any bother at all. Yay!
- 13:19:31: Photo: djphil9999: My childhood just melted together like a box of crayons left in the sun… http://tumblr.com/xup1b1difl
- 13:35:23: The theory of hipster relativity: http://tumblr.com/xup1b1h174 by @Dustinland
- 13:48:04: Is it weird to be glad that I'll be working through 'prime time' on Valentines Day? I get to avoid so much b.s. that way. #fb
- 13:49:16: Last night with gal pals, realized I really don't *get* romance anymore. My base standard is "Male subject does not jerk me around."
- 14:09:38: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/romance OK, I think I get it now. And I can get some of that on my own. #nerdglee #spinster
- 14:22:39: Team Tiger debuts on The Circut tomorrow! @ magnettheater http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122661767802928
- 15:00:53: Goings on and tinkering! http://j.mp/flFtvw
- 15:13:55: RT @GLValentine: New Post - I rewrite X-Men: Rent is Due based on two promo shots. (Jump the gun? Me?) http://bit.ly/i1kpPB
- 15:16:43: Between the chapped skin and mysteriously achey muscles, I realy do *need* a bubble bath tonight.
- 15:18:53: I've got a lot of weird milestones/anniversaries in January. Livejournal isolation, sleep medications, and spinsterhood. #fb
- 20:38:29: Photo: http://tumblr.com/xup1b4yl1j
- 20:44:22: Photo: http://tumblr.com/xyg1b50r2b Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.
- 20:46:32: Photo: thetardis: http://tumblr.com/xup1b51k3n
- 20:47:48: Photo: http://tumblr.com/xyg1b521tr Gluten free no butter pumpkin chocolate pudding.
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