
Out for a Walk

Jul 23, 2009 12:27

This is very unusual for me: I'm feeling an intense urge to get out for a walk on one of the woodland trails near my home. The weather is pleasantly cool today, which is good.

Over the past couple of days I've been noticing that some of the healthier behaviors I've been working hard to estabish finally seem to be sinking in. I'm drinking 8+ glasses of water a day on a consistent basis, taking my vitamins, avoiding fast food -- or buying minimal portions when I do go, and exercising more frequently. Yesterday I met Kateri_Thinks for lunch, and instead of having the to-die-for pasta alfredo with chunks of Dungeness crab, I had a vegetarian sandwich.

I'm going to do my spiritual practices, then hit the trail.

health, goals, fitness

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