I do not usually consider myself a "moody" person. I have emotional cycles, like everyone, but I try not to put too much emphasis on the downswings. I'll snarl and rant here on LJ to vent and get it out of my system, but I don't usually take those episodes very seriously. Also, I tend to recover from my downswings fairly quickly (not counting my grieving process), and on the whole I think I tend to keep a fairly even keel, and at least retain some rationality and self-awareness even in the midst of my normal bouts of frustration, loneliness, or feeling overwhelmed.
Not this week.
Last night I looked back on how I'd been feeling for the past several days, and I realized that it's as if I've been going through mood swings and mini-PMS episodes multiple times per day.
Not the way I want to live my life!
So. . . today I need to do gentle grounding "stuff": yoga on my own (not following a book or DVD), a long bath in the jacuzzi, some spiritual work that's not my usual practice cycle.
I struck out the need for a Cntrl-Alt-Delete on last night's entry, but on reflection, I think it's valid. I need to break the mood cycle with some nurturing physical activity and some variations on my usual spiritual practices.
Shout out to
blessed_harlot whose yoga is inspiring me!