Like everyone else, I've heard about reservists and inactive duty military being called up to fight in Iraq, since enlistment isn't keeping up with Bush's meat grinder.
This afternoon, it became personal.
This afternoon,
_storyteller_ called to tell me
an Air Force colonel had called to notify him he has been returned to active duty status. He was commanded to go home and await further orders. That's all that he's been told right now, but the expectation is that he will be ordered to report to our local Air Force base for processing within the next day or so, and that he will soon be shipped out.
I'm caught in a kind of disbelief. I'm finding it hard to imagine this could actually happen, that in a week or two he could be who-knows-where (probably Iraq, but of course it's not the only place we have a military presence) and compelled to stay there and serve indefinitely.
There's a lot more chasing around my head right now, but there's no way I could put it down coherently.