(Yesterday I wrote the text that comes after. Now my connection seems to work. Pray for me, in the meanwhile I reply to your comments. *nods*)
(OMG! Just written the date I’ve seen that today is S. Valentine Day.)
… The bitch also named connection doesn’t work.
Are you thinking that I know why?
Absolutely not.
I think I’m going to wait, hoping that someone would pray for me. (God Syndrome? No, really not. You misunderstand.)
V for Vendetta has been transmitted on the computer.
I already watched that movie - seen and loved, it went on the top of my favourite movies list - but a friend of mine, here we’re going to refer to her as “Joglar”, has never watched it.
I would quote that movie, but I have the Italian version. I think translating it’s not a good idea - and without the-bitch-named-connection I cannot open wikiquote.
You’ve to be happy with the words I’m going write about. Sorry.
I love that movie ‘cause it tells about the power of ideas. And ideals. And how an idea becomes an ideal.
It tells about the life after life in which after is not “tomorrow”, “in three days”, “in three years” or “when this life ends”, but: “please, look at yourself; please, I think there’s something apart from your fear; go past your fear, and watch”.
… But those are suppositions. Watch V for Vendetta.
(I recommend
On the desk: The Counter-Reformation. The world of catholic renovation.
17th century, as usual.
The century that I’m studying.
Thanks to Joglar for this book. I think I’m going to study.
Good night!
… At 3.28 P.M. connection is still a bitch.
Nevertheless, I used this excuse to study.
Forget the catholic matters, and read:
… the soldiers were called mercenaries, ‘but if you will consider how their wages are paid, I suppose, you will rather think them Voluntaries, at least very generous, for doing the greatest part of their service for nothing’.
Popes and Jesuits have been replaced with the Thirty Years War. I suppose you will understand how that War could be more interesting than the catholic Counter-Reformation.
But you’re wrong if you’re thinking that I suppose War better than Religion ‘cause the second one is boring. Nothing is boring. (And I’m curious, always.)
The fact is: I have a question, here, can you see it? It’s a brand on my forehead, and because of this brand I often cross my eyes to see it - and that causes me an intolerable headache. I study the history, and stories about a War, and it’s as if I put a mirror in front of me, so I could see that damn brand without crossing my eyes.
The question is: why those desperate men went to that desperate war?
A lot of them were mercenaries. It means that they weren’t oblige to grasp a sword and risk dying because of shortage, or rather epidemic, or rather infection, or rather ‘cause a horse crushed them on the paving.
These men took their life and went to the hell.
The question is: why?
(I know that the question is always “why?”.)