Jun 06, 2010 09:17
One of the biggest problems with dealing with depression is the solitary nature. I feel like I want to talk to people about it, but the people that I feel like talking to are still depressed, or are much younger than me. I love young folks - proportionately, there are more and more of them every day it seems - but even the wisest 24 year old doesn't have the life experience to council a 58 year old, nor should they want to. Also the "together" people I know... can they relate to what I am going through? "No one understands me!" Maybe I am just whinging... But something I have learned is that "snap out of it" doesn't help people that are deep into it.
2 things seem to help, the realization of Gracious Beauty, that God and His beautiful world is a sign to me that hope is not lost, and the second is a product of that, the smile of a child; simply asking to and giving love, the kids pull me out of myself and let me see that life the universe and everything is out side my nose and that I can have it, if I just let go of myself.
Thanks for listening this helps too.