Mar 02, 2022 00:29

I never thought there would be another Batman movie that could top The Dark Knight trilogy and I'm glad I was wrong because The Batman OMG!!! is A M A Z I N G!!!!!! T____T

Ever since I knew Robert Pattinson was going to be the next Batman I was like OMG I cannot wait!!!! Not gonna lie tho, I felt kinda butthurt whenever I read people's posts dissing him as the new Batman and calling him the sparkling Batman. Gosh! these people! I wish they just watched his other movies then they would know that he is actually a really decent actor.

I love EVERYTHING about this movie. The shots OHMYGOD they are AMAZINGGGG! and I love how dark the movie was. Not to mention the movie score. My goodness! IT IS EPICCCCCCCCC! I honestly think that RobPats really nailed his character. I think I've never seen Batman character so dark before and his acting portraying all the pain and his frustration is >>>>>>> I love how the movie focused on his character, not all the glorious high-tech equipment and vehicles that were always like a trademark show for Batman. You can still see them though, but there won't be that "whoaaa" moment just like you had with the previous movies.

That one particular car chasing scene tho! omg! I think I was holding my breath the whole scene and I didn't remember blinking lol! EPIC!!!!!

I'm glad I bought the fan premiere ticket tonight. There was this awesome countdown on the screen which I think can only be seen if you watch it in IMAX.

the batman

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