
(no subject)

Aug 06, 2007 00:47

me: yeah… so this is what i’m going to study, i think


Yee: have fun with the insects

(i find the thought of insects in general, and their respiratory systems in particular, quite frightening)

me: hahah

Yee: frightening doesn’t quite sum it up… bizarre would be more like it

me: yes.. they’re breathing, yee fay

Yee: ugh! argh! i don’t want to hear about it!

me: hahahahhah!!

Yee: it’s probably the grossest thing i learned in high school biology

so… yeah, bug breathing is probably what i’m going to be working on at Argonne with my old professor. either that or the mechanics of butterfly swallowing, or mosquitoes, using data from the advanced photon source (APS). sounds awesome. my main concern is that Argonne is about 45 minutes away from Hyde Park (where I live, and where UChicago’s located). There’s a free shuttle, but it’s still quite inconvenient. I also have wait until my gate pass has been arranged (damn korean citizenship!) before I can go in.

i quit my job at the hospital because this was a much better opportunity, and it was getting a little tedious, as a lot of what i did was database management/data entry... you know, access queries and the like. I learned a whole lot about the HIV population on the South Side, and treatments for it. I think the knowledge will come in useful -- even the database part, though I found it a bit boring.

in other news, here's a picture from my road trip, taken in wyoming, heading toward the tetons. after i have all my photos edited, i'll post them all up.

the reason that the trees are so dark is that the reflection from the windshield kind of ruined the photo, so i darkened the trees so that you couldn't see it.

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