torchic44 was doing a meme. I thought I would do it too. Here are the things he wanted me to talk about. If you want to participate, comment and I will give you a list of 7 things for you to post about.
I’d say I’m more of a cat person. Although, I don’t dislike dogs..they are still animals and can be very loyal. Most of the dogs that I’ve had in the past have not really been “mine” . Instead they’ve been either my dad’s hunting dogs, so either beagles or labs or my aunt’s and she normally has yorkies. If I were to choose a dog I’d most likely choose a small mutt. But, I think I’ll stick to cats, they just seem easier.
I love looking at gardens and landscapes. Some of them can be very interesting. My experience gardening has only been with growing grass (not the illegal kind!) indoors. I used to love buying those little packets. In fact, I still have a troll that at one time had grass for hair that I believe I bought at Michael’s Craft Store. Eventually, I will try my hand at the real thing and try to keep a garden but I’m not much of an outdoors person.
War obviously sucks. I don’t know what is really accomplished from it because it seems to cause more problems rather than solve them. I know that all sounds very anti- war and I have never aligned myself as anti- war. So I don’t know if that’s what I am or if I’m just not describing this in a way that makes sense.
I think eyes are probably the most beautiful thing on a person’s body. Not only do they come in a variety of pretty colors but they can tell you a bit about the person which is important. I also like them because I like makeup…especially eye makeup and if I’m looking at eye makeup.. I get to creep on eyes.
I hope you weren’t thinking of anything physical.. haha. I will never be a racer. I attempted to run track in highschool for a brief time, mostly because my friends were doing it. I sucked. I get short of breath and have a slow reaction time. Not to mention I didn’t really have much of a desire to win. I think my desire was to finish the race and be done with it.
I’m much more interested in race as in skin color. I’ve always been interested in anthropology and looking at races over a period of time and place.
I wish I were going on a Spring Break Trip this upcoming week but my plans fell through. I wasn’t going to go anywhere exotic just to Virginia to volunteer at an autistic camp. Unfortunately, people had to drop from the trip and then as a result I dropped the trip. If I had been able to come up with the full price (instead of the price of a lead) I could have gone on another trip but that didn’t end up working. So, instead I must study, pass a test and work over my Spring Break. Not exactly what I was going for but it’s alright.
As a fan of cool colors, I like the color blue. I tend to like green and purple a bit more but blue is just as nice. I tend to wear this color a lot.