
Apr 26, 2010 11:53

Allow me a moment to speak about "Changes;" the last Dresden files Book.

I'm serious... don't read the rest of this unless you don't mind major spoilers.

I have read several posts, complaining about the "Cliffhanger" ending.

I say: What Cliffhanger?

Either Dresden is dead (Hah! Right!) and there will be no more books, or he will live.

You KNOW he's going to live. So the only 'cliffhanger' is who shot him and why. In which case, you might as well call any of the standing mysteries of the series cliffhangers. I am unbothered by the last page.

But now: on to speculation: Who shot him and Why? I think the "Why" is probably: The Winter Knight serves until his death. And the Sidhe are all about loopholes. If Dresden dies and is brought back, is he still the Winter Knight? I'd say not.

Which means that the "Who" could be pretty much anyone but Mouse and Mab, because even Harry's allies might want to 'kill' him to get him out of his job.

Some possibilities I like:

Murphy: She knew exactly where he'd be and set him up to be unarmored, plus she likes guns. She's shown a lot of progress in the "Understanding how the magical world works" department and might be able to do the math on this.

Kincaid: Can't think of a good reason for him to do this, but it's his style. He COULD do it on the behest of the Archive, though, which would cause a pretty big mess, since it's probably a major violation of the accords.

Fix: I don't like this one, it's just too obvious and clean.

Michael: Probably not, but this would be awesome.

Thomas: Also knew where Harry was and certainly has the personality to kill someone for their own good.

Like I said, everyone's on the table except Mouse, who can't pull a trigger, and Mab, who is going to be PISSED if I'm right about the "buffy" loophole.


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