Jan 30, 2007 04:54
I broke my lamp, I think.
Lately, am re-immersing myself in black metal. There really is a great deal of remarkable black metal being produced today, by Americans...or perhaps I am, at this point in my post-cynicism, so far removed from the scene that I wouldn't have found this remarkable before.
Lifelover is pretty much awesome. I think I would've made this assesment then too.
I really am in a place of post-cynicism in my life, now. I'm not really sure what to make of myself, or what I should do. I just feel doomed...not even trapped, not quite free. I am just drifting without answers. It's a painful way to exist if you think about it, but a remarkably easy way to exist if you can bring yourself to forget about it.
So far, I am happy just watching TV online, and listening to music. This must have been how I survived all those years before I learned about Outside.
I talk a lot about things like sex and relationship, but really, we live in a remarkable culture. I can just turn on this computer and achieve a level of intimacy I take for granted with many human beings I'll never really meet, in any real capacity...
I have nothing to say, I have nothing to contribute, or create. I am just drifting.