Here's the thing about Doctor Who...

Oct 03, 2011 14:15

I love River Song. She's brave, courageous, and bold, and she kicks lots of ass. And as much as I loved "The Wedding of River Song," in the harsh light of day my problems with the episode came into the forefront. These are my issues.

1. River does everything because of the Doctor. Not because she's inherently awesome or because she's kind of a magical being who is part TARDIS or because she's smart or cool or has great hair. No, she a) gets a doctorate in archeology because of the Doctor, and b) refuses to kill the Doctor because of her almost selfish love for him as a person rather than because of what he can contribute to the universe in his own awesomeness. A fine distinction, yes, but still an important one. She's willing to kill millions of people because of her boyfriend. I'm not saying that's an easy choice, but maybe you shouldn't pout about it but instead use your vast science-y knowledge to fix the problem AND save your beloved, which is how the Doctor is able to get around these problems on his own.

2. The Doctor does not say he loves River but marries her... why? To get her to stop pouting? Oh, I think he DOES love her, I think he loves her very much and has found her dynamic and intriguing but in this episode, he is almost Green Card-ish about it. It's a transaction. It's not romantic. He's almost under duress, and he's ANGRY with her. In "Let's Kill Hitler," I think he told Regen!Mels-who-didn't-know-she-was-River (when he whispered in her ear) that he loves River Song. I think he's loved her almost as long as he's known her as Eleven and even a little bit before then. But does he want to marry her the way he ends up doing? No. Does he learn to like it? Oh, I think so. But still, it was not romantic or even very kind, when you think about it too long. Because...

3. Part of what he insisted she do upon marriage was "do as I say." Really? Um, no. No, no, no, Doctor, you have seen the future of infinite universes, and "obey" went out of the marriage vows on most planets a long time ago. The post-original series Doctors have, for the most part, shown remarkably little sexism, except--frustratingly--sometimes Eleven. And this was the worst example of it.

Does this hinder my shipping of Eleven/River? Not ultimately. Does it hinder my joy at showing what on the surface looks like a younger man/older woman romance that elicits very little controversy in popular criticism? Not ultimately. And there were still some awesome moments in this episode, like Rory leaving on his eyepatch and AMY SAVING RORY, which was definitely mitigating some of the otherwise sexist moments, and hell, even Amy killing Madame Kovarian and feeling guilty about it was kind of amazing and layered and whatnot.

Steven Moffatt is willing to go to layers of complex storytelling other DW showrunners haven't been. He's willing to be dark. He's willing to do whimsy and cutesy and funny and romantic. But... gah. Please. Please, please, please stop being an a-hole about women sometimes, dude. Because you've given us awesome women, and WE WANT THEM TO BE TREATED WELL. Please and thank you.

feminism in fandom, doctor who

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