My thoughts? I think Boomer has A PLAN! Cause Cylons are all about plans. There just has to be a reason she's schtupping him. It could also be a power play. I got giggly at the mention of Xena!Bot tho.
I'm not sure how I feel about Kara!Demetrius, it doesn't ring with how she was in the last two episodes. That and the bonkers thing, it seemed like she was finally coming together and it seems like we've gone two steps back with her mental state... and yeah she needs to keep painting. Woot.
I'm fascinated and horrified by how machine that was. I get a bit why, Callie would not have kept her mouth shut regardless and then everyone else would go all hive mentallity and through my darlings off into space.. and quite frankly I don't want Tigh or Tyrol to go anywhere =(
There has to be a twist coming, cause Ron is usually good with the yey womenz! I'm personally holding out for Kara being the goddess "Aurora" and she is just adjusting to be super awesome and will eventually be okay. Yey! I just want someone to get a happy ending, and it would make me gleefull if it was her =( (andleemakinhawtbabies)
I'm not sure how I feel about Kara!Demetrius, it doesn't ring with how she was in the last two episodes. That and the bonkers thing, it seemed like she was finally coming together and it seems like we've gone two steps back with her mental state... and yeah she needs to keep painting. Woot.
I'm fascinated and horrified by how machine that was. I get a bit why, Callie would not have kept her mouth shut regardless and then everyone else would go all hive mentallity and through my darlings off into space.. and quite frankly I don't want Tigh or Tyrol to go anywhere =(
There has to be a twist coming, cause Ron is usually good with the yey womenz! I'm personally holding out for Kara being the goddess "Aurora" and she is just adjusting to be super awesome and will eventually be okay. Yey! I just want someone to get a happy ending, and it would make me gleefull if it was her =( (andleemakinhawtbabies)
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