Acapella + Rock = Rockapella

Jul 29, 2004 02:07

I'm glad you folks find this awesome music because then I can enjoy it, too.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

hehe I hope I never look like that when I'm old.

The last few days have been busy and fun. Small band practice yesterday went well. We have a new exciting acapella song, one that I have loved for a long time.
Today was a long and fun day avec ma mere et son amie, Char. We went to Stratford, Canada to see "The Count of Monte Cristo" which was awesome. I understood the beginning of it better than the music. And Stratford was a cute old town. And even though its far away and a random Wednesday, we saw Jamie and Mrs. Reimers there. Who would have thought? That was nice though.
Then the shorties and I (my mom and Char) went for a walk and fed some ducks and geese which started attacking so I ran away.... hehe. Good thing I can run.
And much Tim Horton's was enjoyed.
Rollerblading at Heritage Park = good stuff and we should all do it more often.
Now I shall sleep so that in the morning I can run and do lots of things.
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