Feb 06, 2013 23:52
Ever had that feeling where you've faced that fork in the road; that second that drags on a bit longer than the rest so you can make a decision? And that awful feeling of regret later?
I'm facing the realization that The LEECH has borrowed money from our contractor. I'm not surprised. This is, after all, the man that borrowed money from our tenants while we wondered why the heck they weren't taking their furniture after moving out. I'm also not surprised that he has admitted that we won't see a(n extinct) penny of his $18,000 ICBC settlement. I'm not surprised he owes the thousands to B1 on top of the $26,000+ he swindled from our line of credit. This is the same man who dares lectures, "You two wouldn't co-sign that loan so [of course] I had to go and make another withdrawal." The man that goes bat shit crazy the moment his wife raises her ("unladylike") voice at him; the moment his daughter dares to speak above her station. The man that nags and nags that the cable box doesn't turn on properly, but won't lift a finger to wash the dishes, cook, take out the garbage bag, clean the litter box, sweep, anything but complain about our flaws.
The man who lives to disappoint. Over and over again.
The man who lives a two lives, but is committed to only one.
What was my moment of regret? It was ignoring that "spidey sense" to warn our contractor about him. Because there is no one he can't sweet talk. No line of decency and pride he won't cross. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
So here is my warning to you, dear friends. If my sperm donor ever asks you for money, say no. For me.