misterfenris is leaving town...and Monkey's probably moving out.
alakaizer might move in...but what with my job SUCKING, there's still an issue with my income unless I get one of these other two jobs I'm looking at. AAARRRRGHHHHHHH!!!
I need to get those dragon plushies made for LittleWolf and BabyBear...which means that I have to talk my mother into helping me design the fu¢king pattern.
On a more positive note: There are kittens in my parents' garden. Four of them. Maine Coon crosses, if their mother's appearance isn't deceiving. And
look what John Varley has to say about Ann Coulter! (Warning: Not work-safe! But considering the statement that instigated it-to say nothing of the subject matter of the painted hatchet's
new work of fiction-she asked for it.)