Aug 14, 2004 17:36
Theres a difference between beinq in lOve nd lOvinq sOmebOdy.
lOvinq sOmebOdy ; yOu can lOve someone without beinq IN LOVE with them. Such as , You can nOt be in love with them anymOre but you can still lOve them on a friendship level or on a different mOre seriOus level but nOt be in lOve with the persOn themselves.
beinq In lOve ; lOvinq someone on a mOre SERIOUS level such as marriaqe , bOyfriend / qirlfriend , or just dEeply in lOve with their whOle persOn. Mind , bOdy , sOul , PersOnality - Everythinq
ii always catCh myself thinkinq of what i'd dO withOut yOu
there isn't anyone else, ii have my heart set on yOu
yOu really qOt me, baby it's true. ii really lOve yOu
i`m in lOve with reynel ;] _* auquzt 10, 2oO4