bOred out of myy GOD DAMN MIND

Sep 04, 2004 11:21

| FavOritez |
cOlor ; red + blaCk + white
mOvie ; ExOrcist the beqinninq
sOnq ; Nelly Ft. Jahiem - My Place + ETC
fOod ; stEak + frEnChfryz
drinkk ; strawberry Daquarii
persOn ; a certain speciial sOme1
rapper ; Kanye West + ETC

hEy u quyz well as u can see I wuhz real real real bOred lOlz well hMn yeah I`m thinkinq of startinq a webpaqe ;] yeah I`m interested in dOinq webpaqez aqain I remember I used 2 make 1 eery wEek nd junk [ yEah I wuhz real real bOred ! ] well nOw i`m thinkinq of dOinq 1 and if n e of yOu quyz have qraphiCz ; music kOdez ; or HTML kOdez that yOu kOuld hOok me up with plz feel free to dO so just cOmment me PLZ lOl I havent dOne webpaqez in a lOnq ass time and all the linkz I had that offered kOdez nd junk are lOnq qOne I wuhz alsO wOnderinq if n e 1 kOuld help me dO a few bannerz like NaviqatiiOn bannerz I just want like 4 of them and of kOurse credit will be qiven on my paqe if anybOdy kOuld help me that I wOuld qreatly appreciate it ;] oOo yeah and tO all my LJ qirlz I nEed a picture of all of yOu sOo that I can make a special paqe fOr u in my hOmepaqe and under the picture I will make a link to ur jOurnal ;] if n e of u are interested in helpinq mee out qO head nd cOmment mee ;] muahz muCh lOve

- snOopii
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