[ quyz ]

Aug 28, 2004 10:33

hEy yOu quyz! well tOdayz the party wuuuht! n e wayz derez deze 2 quyz nd i`m tryinq to see whO ii shOuld qO fOr of cOurse nOt riqht away cause me and Reynel drOpped it [ he just didnt have enOuqh time fOr me we never spent muCh time tOqether ] well anywayz I`m lOokinq at possible future bOyfriendz CarlOz nd Julio nOt sure what tO dO yet sOo ii listed the prO`z and cOn`z of each of dem [ ii knO i`m nOt qOnna qet with any of dem just yet ii aint tryna lOok like a hOe ]

PrO`z Of CarlOz

- hes cute
- fOotball player
- he suppOzebly likes me
- Laura nd jOrqe have him fOr a class sOo u knOw they qOnna keep an eye out
- suppOzebly he alwayz sleeps in class sOo hez qOt NO TIME to flirt
- me nd Yessy nd Kika can qO 2 fOotball qamez 2qetha nd spend mOre time talkinq nd junk
- ii have him fOr PE and lunch sOo ii will actually spend time with him

cOn`z of CarlOz
- hes never hOme cause of practice

PrO`z Of JuliO

- hes cute
- he suppOzebly likes me
- I have him for math and lunch I think so I quess I`ll be spendinq time with him
- he didnt wait for me to call him he called me [ 3 timez lOl ]

cOn`z Of Julio

- i`m nOt sure if hes taller than me
- nOt sure if he`ll have enOuqh time fOr me

nOw of cOurse i`ma qet to knOw bOth of dem mOre but this is just what ii knOw abOut them so far. H E L P !!
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