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Aug 22, 2004 10:34

hEy yOu quyz sOrry ii havent updated in a cOuple of dayz ii just been real busy nd since riqht nOw ii have limited minutez online u knO hOw that is well yesterday ii went tO myy cOusinz krib eery1 wuhz dere brO we all helped him wash the car nd den we were just str8 up ridinq out we went tO McdOnaldz with his hOmebOyz nd ii ate 20 piece chiCken nuqqetz [ yeah dahtz riqht 20 lmao ] lOl i`m suCh a fat ass funny thinq is ii dOnt qain weiqht well den in d niqht we went tO d mOviez nd we saw ExOrcist the beqinninq shit wuhz scary nd nasty kuhz deii shOw a part where dihz littO bOy is beinq eaten by sOme animal dere nasty ass shit brO nd den in the end itz funny kuhz the devilz inside dihz femmez bOdy nd den the spirit tryna fuCk the priest or wuhtever shitz stupid but it wuhz str8 mOztly nasty nd junk d liqhtz kept qOinq off in the mOvie itz like damn brO fuCkinq FPL niqqa lmao sOme of myy cOusinz hOmebOyz were like flOrida pOwer nd liqht man ! kuhz seriiOuzly in daht mOvie liqhtz kept qOinq on nd off nd shit like u see dihz part daht hez qOinq intO the scary church nd den the liqhtz qO off he turnz dem baCk on nd dihz nasty ass shit in frOnt of him [ yeah shit made me scream ] well i`m qOnna qO qet ready 2 see myy baby pZ muahz lOve yOu all nd thankz 2 _lets_qet_away fOr my layout ;]
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