[Sex, Intimacy, etc..]
*Describe your first kiss: *hmmm* My actual 1st meaningful one? Hah sure: I was just looking at *Luke* and we weren't talking and we were just staring, and I love his eyes so much, so I just lended into him and kissed him, it was nice:]
*ever taken a shower with someone else? Not that I remember
*if yes, were they of same or different sex? ---
*do you believe that the color green subliminally make you horny? Not really, green isn't a turn-on
*did you know thats why they made the green m&m a "sexy" female? Hah! No I didn't
*If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were? ViRGiN and proud:D
*If you were/are in a relationship and your boy/girlfriend wanted to save themselves for marriage, would you respect that and stay with them, leave them, or cheat? I'd respect it, i'd want it to be the same way!
*Do you believe in schools only teaching about abstinence, or birth control methods as well? It's up to the person!
*Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? Not really! Meh don't care hah!
*When you asked where babys came from, what did your parents used to tell you? I don't ever remember asking!
*Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'? Nope
*Do you believe that everyone masturbates, even if they deny it? Not everyone, but most yea
*If you are sexually active are you responsible? Not really sexually active anymore...but I was, and will be.
*Why is it more acceptable for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man? Like the Sweet Kamara said, gays aren't as acceptable because men are supposed to be all big and tough, and if they love another man, they're supposedly not macho...LiES! Gay guys are the sweetest thing!
*Which is the most intimate: oral sex, anal sex, or regular sex? Regular sex
*Have you ever had a one night stand? Never have, never will.
[Trust, Friendships, and just, people]
*Who has done something today to show they care about you? Nobody yet...:x
*What was the last compliment you received? "Are you sure he's worth ur love, because i think a prince is only worthy of you!" Said by the sweetheart Robert!
*is it easy to gain your trust? Nope, and once it's gone...it's hard to get back!
*Is there anyone you trust completely? Mom, dad, Jamie and Sam
*Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone? Sometimes..not really
*What would make you lose respect for someone? Lying or cheating
*How do you know the difference between a "Real" person and a "fake" person? Real ppl, are the same person no matter who they're with, fake act different around cetain ppl!
*Has anyone given you a second chance? If yes, who and for what? Yes, Luke, and he gave me another chance to be with him.
*Who needs to get over themselves? Hmmm..I dunno
*Who can you be with, doing anything or nothing, and always have the best time? STEPH!
*Who can you only handle for a short period of time? Can't think of anyone...
*Do you enjoy being in social situations? Sure
*Do you push people away even if you really want them to come closer? No, cuz theres always a chance they'll end up just leaving!
*Do you consider anyone unworthy your friendship? NO!!!!
*Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? Jessica
*Have you ever made a big promise and never broken it? Yes...well i'm still promising it!
*Has anyone ever broken a promise to you, if yes what? Yes, a million times!
*Have you broken a promise to anyone else, if yes what? Not that I can think of
*How have any siblings influenced your life? Yes my brother!
*Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? My parents, Jamie and Stephanie
*Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? All my friend
*Have you ever used somebody? OMG! No I could never do that!
*Has any one led you on, explain? Yes, and I don't wanna get into it!
*Who would you call in the middle of the night if you needed someone to talk to? Steph
Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? Yes
*Has someone ever held you back? No I don't think
*Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? Both, person depends!
*Do you listen to other people's advice? Sometimes
*Do you neglect your friends when you have a signifigant other? NO WAY! Chicks before Dicks
*Did you forgive the last person that hurt you? Yes, I love him! :x
[Personal emotions, thoughts, and feelings]
*Although everyone has good and bad days, are you generally a happy person? I think?
*Are you honest with yourself? Not really
*Do you generally understand why you feel the way you do? Not really haha!
*What are you thinking right now? Tonight
*What are you wondering? If i'll ever get another chance...
*Do you think for yourself? Yes
*What is one idea that your thoughts generally come back to? Boys
*Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel? Yes, except my heart!
*Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? Sometimes
*Would you write/say/think it anyway or avoid the situation? I dunno
*Do you say what you mean? Yes, except sometimes when i'm mad
*What is the happiest way you can start your day? Having someone call me, and tell me they missed me!
*Does your happiness come from inside yourself or from other people? Depends on the situation
*What keeps you happy? My fmaily, and my friends
*Have you ever put your fist through the wall? No...but I was about to
*Who do you blame things on? Myself...ALWAYS
*Have you ever been on anti depressants? Nope
*Do you suffer from stress? Nope
*Are you crying on the inside? Yes
*What makes you experience nostalgia? Not very much
*When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? Umm...2 days ago!
*What was a choice that you didn't want to make but you had to? Hmmm...lots
*Is there anything you feel unworthy of? Jamie:(
*Why does the truth hurt? Because it's normally not what you want to hear!
*When are you the most insecure? When Jamie says he has something to tell me, but then he doesn't!
*When was the last time you screwed up big time? Recently lol
*Are you quick to anger? Are you slow to forgive? Yes I sometimes overreact
[Love, Relationships, etc...]
*Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? Heart
*What is your status? Single...NOT looking
*Are you lonely? Kinda
*Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? Nope
*What is the cutest thing a guy/girl has done to show they like you? Complimented me like CrAzY
*What do people generally discuss when we talk about love? Different things for differen ppl
*Would you rather like your guy/girl more than they like you, or have them like you more? Depends on the person!
*Have you ever cheated on someone? No never
*If yes, how did you feel? ---
*Have you ever been cheated on? Yes
*If someone cheated on you, do you think they can ever go back to being loyal? Yes...but not with me!
*If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? FUCK no!
*Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? Both!
Whoa that was long LoL! Have a good read? ;P