Aug 06, 2002 21:55
hmm I woke up and chilled online a little while then wen across the street to Sueli's. Damn I ain't been there in SO LONG and mind you I only live ACROSS the street. I chilled with her grandma, shes so damn cute! She be having me DYIN when she tell me stories and she remind me of my granma(rip). Then me and Sueli went to her school and picked up her grade from this exam she took. She got a 85 =] she was all happy and stuff. We went to the mall quick and exchanged these jeans she bought for a smaller size and just picked up applications cause I need a job! I seen this boy Sam at the mall. OMG he is the CUTEST thing I used to have the HUGEST crush on him :: meltz :: he chilled with me the whole time I was there. lmao I was all cheesin and of course "flirtin" Sueli was like Neny your a FLIRT, and Sam's like no shes my girl. I was about to jump and click my heels. LOL. Then we went to P's job. I thought she was working and stuff but the heffer wasn't even there. I was so pissed! little jerk lol. I came home and my sister, my mom, and Mo was crying I thought someone in the fams had died or something. Monica's husbands nephew was missing. The cute little boy only 3 was missing since 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the whole family was looking for him and stuff. They later found him around 8 sitting in the backseat of a car and no one knows who's car that was. weird I got online and checked my mail OMG so many girls in XzOtik think my jaime is cute. . of course he is =]. I chilled talked to my bebe (miquel) and jaime and then cL(rickii) IMed me. I was so happy!!! That's my nigga right there. I love talkng to him and when he I.Med me my day was complete. Things feel like they getting better I HOPE SO. and bla bla now im just listening to my song dat cL put me on to and Im in IMs with Duckii (my bish) I love this girl cause she heard me out and just helped me thru some shitz ; Jaime <3 ; bebe (miquel) <3 ; and cLyde!!! =]
bOnnie lubz cLyde . . happii again =]