Jan 24, 2012 12:53
- Пн, 21:51: Photo: livia4liv: http://t.co/lJMZisvv
- Пн, 22:57: Fuck. No wonder Mum has no trust in me. I should never be trusted with anything.
- Пн, 23:40: "Bitch." "Slut." "Cow." "I'm glad we understand each other." #HeeHee #RenniAndAGunAgain #StillDontFeelAnyBetter
- Вт, 00:01: I need it to be tomorrow. I need it to be 12 tomorrow. #ItsOkToTakeADoubleDoseOfAntiDepressantsRight? #HereComeTheDepressedTweets
- Вт, 00:14: I know I'm better than before christmas so why the hell does it feel worse?!
- Вт, 00:29: Heh. Mini Wolverine scars on my arm. And vampire bite marks on the other. #IShouldntFindThisAmusing
- Вт, 00:43: Someone needs to send X a message already... :'( I want me phone to go off. It's a good feeling when it beeps.
- Вт, 00:53: I wonder if I take my phone upstairs and leave it there it'll go off with a bunch of messages while I'm not looking? Worth a shot...?
- Вт, 10:19: I really need to stop re reading that thread and have a shower... #GettingRealConverseToday #...AndLearningHowToCook
- Вт, 10:22: But I'm smiling at my phone :3 #HellionCameBack #AndFinallySaidHeLovesLaura #AndALLTheCute!! ^^