had a seizure :(

Dec 27, 2013 20:13

Noah walks in from Shul, Ber-Ber in tow (went to daven with Tatti)... Hadassah sits in living room with Bassi (plays with dolls) & Emuna crawls all over the place putting everything in her mouth....

Ulla: Shabbat shalom, sweetheart... (very obviously anxious)
Noah: (furrowed brow, stares at her while takes off coat) you okay? (Ulla nods)
Ulla: (talks to Ber) baby, go get washed for dinner... tell your sisters netilat yadayim... (he leaves the kitchen)
Ulla: i'm freaking out... had a seizure... petit, so *shrugs*
Noah: was it a big one?...

Ulla: no, it was literally so small.... a friggin blink of the eye & was gone... i can't believe i was so FREAKED by it... (has been standing there drying the same glass for entire conversation, realises what she'd done, puts the glass down)
Noah: did you call the doctor?
Ulla: nah, it was *so* small... i just took my tegretal early.
Noah: okay, well, he said you were probably going to keep having the seizures but they were going to get smaller & smaller over time..
Ulla: yeah.... i mean its been what? 4 months since i had one? & this one was a pissant compared to the others--

Ber: FINISHED!! (walking into kitchen with hands proudly held up)
Ulla: (kiss his head) my bubele... help me set out the plates? Hadassah, help me ready the food...
Noah: honey, i want you to remember how bad it was... (Ulla covers face with both hands, head down) relax.. just realise that whatever happens, it is *never* going to be as bad as it was..

Ulla: i know (sounds as though she *wants* to believe, but dot dot dot)
Noah: maybe you should talk to Reb Nachman...
Ulla: (nods, committed) i will...
Noah: (kisses her forehead) even when you are so afraid... you are so brave... i'm blessed to know you..
Ulla: (scared smile, cracks a joke) to know me, is to love me...
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