May 07, 2008 22:23
Well if you had plans to attend my wedding on 3/21/09 go ahead and cancel them. After looking at the three venues I had "narrowed down" as possibles, we realized that with 2 wedding to attend before even beginning to save for our own we will have less then $3000 saved by 3/21/09 and there is nowhere that we can get married for that little (well that isn't the court house), so we have been forced to postpone the date. I am not sure for how long, but it might be a while, seeing as our "budget calc" says it would take us like 4 years to save up (at our current rate of saving) to afford the wedding we really want- okay maybe the wedding I really want. Drew feels so bad about me being so upset over our "set back" that he is posting his resume for a second job as I post- which is actually adding to the sadness because now I feel like I am forcing him into another job because I want to much (which I have told him but he is still posting it anyway so... yeah). I am sure something somewhere will come around and all will be perfect and in our budget, that won't require Drew to get a second job, but right now it feels impossible.
-insert sarcasm-
On the upside I am sick (have been for a few days), we are making a trip to Orlando (that we really can't afford) tomorrow to see a friend of ours and celebrate his graduation from college (Grats Tim!), and I get paid on Friday but most of it will be gone the same day due to bills.
Woot for life...
-end sarcasm-