strawberries and bleach (oneshot)

Jan 12, 2010 23:32

Title: Strawberries and Bleach
Pairing: Geonho/Jungin
Genre: humor
Word Count: 492
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language.
Summary: Jungin bleaches his hair.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," he says under his breath, hands wrapped in plastic gloves covered in chemicals. His vision blurs slightly with the fumes, so he takes a good two minutes opening the bathroom door with his wrists. Jungin scowls from his seat on the toilet.

"What are you talking about? This is going to be great." Geonho rolls his eyes and returns to his task, trying his best to spread the horrible-smelling stuff evenly through Jungin's hair. "Just don't fuck it up."

"Hey, you're the one who called me out here to do this," he growls. "If you wanted it done right, you should have called one of the girls." Jungin glares up at him, bottom lip sticking out slightly.

"Quit complaining and just do it. Besides, you didn't have to come." Which is enough to shut Geonho up, because he's right. He didn't have to come, but the second he got Jungin's text he was out the door. No thought required. It was always like this. He squeezes more bleach onto his gloves and works it through Jungin's hair. It doesn't have to make sense. Traveling across town at three a.m. to bleach a friend's hair didn't make sense, but here he was.

He rinses off the gloves before pulling them off. Jungin eyes his grinning face suspiciously. "What are you staring at?" Geonho's grin widens, eyes moving to the plastic shower cap covering Jungin's head.

"Just want to make sure I never forget this. It's a good look for you." Jungin's face darkens, but he doesn't respond. He gets to his feet and looks himself over in the mirror, a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"I wonder if the photographer will mind...?" he asks quietly, almost to himself, and Geonho balks.

"You have a shoot tomorrow?" A nod. "And you didn't tell them you were doing this?" He sticks out his tongue and shakes his head. Geonho resists the urge to smack him upside the head only because he doesn't feel like washing his hands again. "What will you do if they fire you?" Jungin shrugs.

"They won't fire me."

"How do you know?" Jungin smiles.

"I just do." He pats Geonho's arm and sits back down. "Relax, it'll work out somehow."

Geonho sighs. Jungin is right, of course. Jungin is always right, another fact of life Geonho has come to accept in the time they've known each other. He checks his watch and gestures toward the shower. "Time's up, go rinse that stuff out and we'll assess the damage. Jungin looks up at him, all wide eyes and pouting mouth.

"What, you won't help me?" Geonho rolls his eyes and walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Jungin emerges minutes later, practically bouncing with his new head of bright golden hair. Geonho smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulder, Jungin's hair smelling strongly of bleach but with a very slight hint of strawberries.

c: jungin, c: geonho, korea: uljjangs, rating: pg-13

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