Oct 29, 2011 09:02
2. Hemorrhagic disease of new born
Duration of the Medication: 4 to 8 days
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1) A small Sandal powder bag for inhaling therapy for the new born
2) Milk + Sariba + Kutaja beej + Sandal ( 1: 1 : 1 ) and make a mixture for internal use. The quantity should be decided according to age.
3) Drakshamadhookamadukadi kashayam with honey
4) Vasa Swarasam with honey
Approximate relief expected: 80%
3. Jaundice
Duration of the Medication - 7 to 12 days
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
60% 0f the new born develop Jaundice during the first week after birth. Physiologic Jaundice normally develops from the face to feet .The therapies are:
1) Exposing the baby in sun light. .
2) Frequent feeding of breast milk.
3) Feeding of sterile water.
4) Make a mixture with Vasa swarasa + Guduchi swarasa + honey 7 drops every 3 hours internally.
5) Make a thoyapaka kwatham with Draksha + Elippakatal +Athimadhuram and use internally .
6) Vasa guluchyadi kashayam
7) Drakshamadookamadhukadi kashayam. And Punarnava swarasam with honey.
The quantity should be decided according to the age.
Approximate relief expected -100%.
Duration of the Medication. -10 to 18 days
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
Feed soft foods since the children with Mumps have a hard time chewing.
Soups and fruit juice are good.
1) Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps to fight against infections.
2) For boosting immune system the child could be fed Zinc a day. It will accelerate healing.
3) Apply warm or cold compress to ease the discomfort of the swollen gland.
Keep the child isolated until swelling subsides.
4)Pachanamrutam kashayam +Vettumaran gulika or Kodasariyadi Gulika.
5)Punarnavabhayadi Kashayam (Punanavam + Abhya each 15 gram + Sundhi,Padolam,Nimbatwak,Guduchi,Kadkarohini,Maramanjal each 5 Gram Make Kwatham and the quantity should be decided according to the age.
In hard Sopha Swadanam is very effective.( Mild swadanam in childrem.
Approximate relief expected - 90 %
Duration of the Medication _ 60 days
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1)In Andrkajwaram (Typhoid ) internal medicine is most important.
2)Exturnal therapys like Thalam ( Muttathilam and Rasnadi powder is very effective in high fever.)
3) Pachanamrutam Kashayam, Pathyadi Kashayam, Jeerakatrikadukadi kashyam
4) Vettumaran gulika, Suriyaprabha gulika, MruthyunjayaRasam Gulika all are apply according to the various situationsin Typhoid.
Approximate relief expected :- 75%
6. Bronchial asthma.
Duration of the Medication
Most of the cases are genetic and incurable. But continues treatment brings relief. Bronchial asthma needs prolonged treatment. In children it may take 6 months to three years for curing the diseases.
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1,)Clean nostrils with sterilized cloth or cotton, Apply Gingili oil +Salt boiled and cooled on chest for one hour and then rub it out.
2,)Bela +Jeerakom + sunty =( 10: 1 : 1 ) Kwatham is very much effective for brochial asthma. The quantity should be decided according to age.
3)Ealakanadi Kashayam, Dasamoolakadutrayam kashayam, Jeerakatrikadukadi kashyam.
4) Thila Saindhava samuktham for Exturnal application.
Approximate relief expected : - 50%
7. Allergic respiratory disease.
Duration of the Medication
Three to Six months treatments
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1) Kacholam +Pushkaramoolam +Amalaki choornam
2) Pushkaramoolam + Thippali Powder
3) Gairikom + Anjanakkallu (Sudham ) +Thippali Choornam.
4) Kadukka + Vizhalari +Thippali Powder Mix with honey.
The above four combinations are very effective in Allergic respiratory disease.
A Military maneuver against Allergies
Allergic to pollen? Try this remedy, tested by the US army and deemed effective : Eat honey made in your area, and chew the bees wax it comes in . The theory is that by eating honey produced local bees, you can desensitize your immune system to the local pollen Starting two months before hay fever season, eat two table spoon of the honey a day, and chew the bees wax for 5 to 10 minutes. Continue until the season is over. While local honey works best, you can give store- bought a try.
Approximate relief expected : 70%
8. Epilepsy
Duration of the Medication :- 9 Months
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1)“Seelayel thila lasunam” ( Garlic paste mix with gingili oil and lick at bed time.) Reduce the quantity of garlic in Greeshma.
2)Swarasa of Bacopa ( Brahmi ) mix with milk ans take it at the bed time daily.
3)Powder of Vacha mix with honey use daily.
4)Thippali( 3 ): Pepper (2 ) : Saindhavam ( 1 ) Make fine powder and take 2 to 5 Gram daily with Warm water.
5) Madhukachoornam (Erattimadhuram) Mix with Mustha swarasam take three days at bed time.
Approximate relief expected :80%
Duration of the Medication -: As the Prognosis is very poor the duration is not particular.
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
SALILASHOSHANA CHOORNAM ( Bhaishajya ratnavali ) Exturnal use.
Draksharudrakshadi kwatham.( Vaidyatharakom)
Sasthra karmam
Approximate relief expected :- 20 to 30 %
10. Diarrhea
Duration of the Medication :- 3 to 7 days
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1)Milk boiled with Mustha
2)Elavin pasa +Hing +Saindhavam equal masher and fried well then make fine powder take a small quandity with Honey or Buttermilk daily three times.
3)Kapithastakachoornam and dadimashtakachoornam
4) Fried and powdered .Kutaja beej Mixed with Butter or Honey,Daily three times.
5) Sethu bandham gulika,, Asthakshari gulika, Chargariadi gulika.
6) Lashunadi kashayam,Villwadi kashayam,Panchakoladi kashayam.
Approximate relief expected 80 to 90 %
11. Cerebral palsy.
Duration of the Medication :-Cerebral palsy is not a specific disease but a general term used to describe a group of disorders affecting movement and posture. These disorders all result from damage to the developing brain, either before or during birth or during a child’s early years. Prognosis Children with mild disabilities can usually lead active, full and long lives and often live independently when adult. Severely disabled children ,especially those with swallowing difficulties who are more prone to serious chest infections, have a lower life expectancy.
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
The diagnosis of cerebral palsy is often difficult to make in a very young child. However once the condition is suspected , tests such as CT Scanning , MRI, Once the diagnosis is confirmed the whole family has to adjust to the life style changes that are often associated with caring for a child with cerebral palsy. Many children have only mild disabilities requiring some physical therapy. Children with more severe disabilities usually require long term programs of therapy and specialist support.
Approximate relief expected 40 to 50 %
12.Viral Hepatitis.
Duration of the Medication :-2 to 6 months.
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
Puthari chunda,Thazhuthama,Chukku,Kodithuva veru,Vayal chully Kwatham used for preparing Paya ( Kanji ) daily three times for curing Sarvanga Sopham in the Hepatitits condition.
Pathya punarnavadi kashayam, Punarnavabayadi kashayam. And avitholadi and panaviraladi bhasmam for Paya prepration
Vasaguluchadi kashyam”.Drakshamadookamadukam” Kashyam..
Keezharnelli ( Phlanthus niroori ) Samoolam Make paste use daily.
Approximate relief expected 75% to 90%
13.Iron deficiency anemia
Duration of the Medication :- 2 to 3 weeks
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1) Karimbirumbadi kashayam, Vyoshadi kashayam, Loha thakram,Navayasa loham,
2) Punarnavadi mandooram,Maha chinjadi lahyam
3) Drakshadi lahyam
4) Vyoshadi gritam
5) Annabhedi sindooram. And Jambeera loham.
Approximate relief expected 75% to 90%
14. Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis
Duration of the Medication :- 3 Years
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1- Veerabeladi kashayam. ( Satavary,Kurumthotti ver,Devatharam,Chandanam,Earanda mool,Gokshuram,Chittarattha, Karimkuriji veru Kashayam )
2 - Amruthadi kashayam ( Guluchi,Kuruthotti,Devatharam. )
3 --Ellumnisadi lapam,Rajikadi lapanam,Doorva lepam, Jadamayadi lepam ( All are External application )
4 - Swadanam.
5 - Kanjirathol +Milk kasayam for Dhara on the painful joints.
This type of persistent inflammation of one or more joints that occurs in childhood usually clear up in a few years. Severely affected children may be left with deformed joints, and some may developed Rheumatoid arthritis later in adult life.
Approximate relief expected 75% to 80 %
15.Rheumatic heart fever
Duration of the Medication : - 3 Years
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1- Orilaver Palkashayam.
2- Cheru panchamoolam Kashayam ( Orila ver +Karuttha chundaver +Veluttha chunda ver +Moovilaver + Njarinjil Kwatham )
3- Chittaratha +Dasamoolam +Amruthu + Earanda mool+Sundhi +Devatharam kashayam taken with Earandathilam.
4 - Indukantham kashayam,Vidaryadi kashayam. Rasona pushkaram kashayam
5 - Prabhakara vadi, Sankara vadi.
6 - Jeevaneeyam Ganam + Partha twak Kwatham.( Anubhootam )
Approximate relief expected 50%.
About one in hundred people dies during an initial attack of Rheumatic fever. The risk of a recurrence is highest in the first three years after the initial in young adults and people with damaged heart valves. After 10 years 2 in 3 people have a detectable heart valve disorder.
16.Urinary infection
Duration of the Medication 6 Months
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1- Veeratharadi Ganam
2- Ooshakadi Ganam
3- Sundhyadi Kashayam
4- Chembakathin veer Kashayam,
5- Van kadaladi ver Kashayam ,
6- Cherupayaru kashayam + Gingeli oil
7- Thazhutama+ Njarinjil Kwatam
Sudhathilam ( Lime + Gingilioil ) Exturnal application.Prasarani root grind with Alovera and curd and make a paste and apply externally on umbilical region. Good result in Moothra krichram.
Approximate relief expected 75%.
17. Nephrotic syndrome
Duration of the Medication :- 6 months
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1- Thazhutama+ Njarinjil Kwatam
Sudhathilam ( Lime + Gingilioil ) Exturnal application.Prasarani root grind with Alovera and curd and make a paste and apply externally on umbilical region. Good result in Moothra krichram.
2 -Gokshuradi modakom ( Gokshuram, Amukkiram, Chopchini,make fine powder mix equal quandity with Sitha powder ( Sugar ) .
3 - Ealatthari, Kattuvelliri veru ,Kumbalanghakkuru
4- Varee njarinjiladi kashayam ( Satavarikizhangu, Palmuthakkinkizhangu, Mustha, Truna panchamoolam Kazhayam with Honey and Sugar )
5- In paithika vikara Seethaveeryapradhan Dhara, Lepam , Avagaham.
Approximate relief expected 75%.
The prognosis of Nephritic syndrome depends on the extent of the kidney damage. Children usually respond well to the treatment. But may experience recurrent episodes of the disorder.
Duration of the Medication :- 6 to12 months
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
Child is overly fussy about certain food or refuses to eat the following things may be helpful
1- Keep the atmosphere relaxed at meal times. Do not put pressure on your child to eat every thing on his or her plate.
2- Serve small portions. You can always second helpings
3- Avoid too many snakes and excessive fluids between meals
4- Do not persist in offering rejected foods. Keep them off the menu for a week or two.
5- Be imaginative when preparing food. Cut sandwiches in to decorative shapes and create “Pictures” on the plate with fruit and vegetables.
6- Medicines….:- Vacha nirgundyadi Kashayam, Chindarmani gulika, Draksharudrakshadi Kashayam,
7- Brahmi gritam, Vach choornam.
Approximate relief expected 80%
19.Bed wetting
Duration of the Medication :- 3 Months
Therapies required to cure the Ailment
1) Kalyanaka Gritam
2) Maha kalyanakaGritam
3) Haridra + Sundhi Thoyapaka with Honey Daily 3 times a day.
4) Krimi roga chikilsa and Paneeyahara control.
5) Vachadi Kashayam.
6) Nirgundyadi kashayam
7) .Drakshadi Kashayam
8) Chintharmani Gulika. ( Vaidya tharakom )
Approximate relief expected 80%