wanted to design some clothes, since I enjoy it and I needed to do something relaxing. She still needs shoes, though.
Angry Löllö! Boredom at math's class.
sheesh. I want to know what this race is called D: They just don't tell me, do they.
toooottallyyyy random! I'm saying "Oo. It's flying!" down there.
Random woman smoking cigar, big mouthed Luffy and Sanji. That first headshot of that lady.. I kinda like it. Her.
FF XII! Fran, Penelo and Basch. Quick sketches.
I hope I won't be too lazy to not to colour it. Again, I needed something to do that relaxes me = I design crazy impossible clothes. Victim was Hertta this time.
don't ask me.
Kheni the goat, Kora the maned wolf and random smirking woof-woof. Anthros for teh win.
Penelo (FF XII) fanart, still working on it!
...I think I was REALLY tired or annoyed or something when we were in Russia. Oh. I was tired.
That's it.