Oh noes I'm uptading sketches.
First a little peek-a-boo. I'm working on it all the time and I seriously need to do some remaking. Gahh.
From upper corner: Moria, Nakki, Jim, Cristo, Nakki's second body and Iva.
Bee and Saga playing playstation! Probably Tekken... And there's James too telling them about critical hits! :D
IT'S FROM A LETTER. Well there were lots of free space so I drew something extra. Scott and Hilla because they're awesome and I like to rape 'em. ♥
Porcelain and Raggie. First sketch I did of them.
Dunno. It was supposed to be BeexSaga but.... No.
AH, some angsting. Why do I always draw Kzah when I'm angsting. I lost my faith on angels, go figure.
Random anatomy practising for women because I suck at drawing round ladies. And there's Mario's faces too, gah.
Aurauha teasing Aumaha.
So nothing special this time I suck I know thank you bye bye