Feb 28, 2005 22:37
i have glasses.
i can actually make out features of people on television. its like discovering my favorite tv shows all over again.
unfortunately my family is taking away from my joyousness with their constant taunting "Hey FOUREYES" its just kind of annoying. slightly a ton.
i skipped school today. with my uberfabulous plot of how to do it. so i told my mom after i came home that i was oh so hungry. and if i ate anything then i wouldnt be able to go to sleep. but i needed to eat something or else my stomache would keep me awake. so then she sys she cant driv eme late. i say i can just take the bus. well then i call her in the morning saying i dont have any bus money. shucks i guess i cant go to school.
if you want to use my master plan, feel free. it was a nice day off. after a weeked. haha. i make no sense to me.