A.V.I.T.A. has been updated, and I'm pretty sure that, this time, the link for chapter ten will work. << Apparently, last time there was no page for chapter ten and NO ONE bothered to tell me. I am displeased.
Oh well. Should be fixed now, and since chapter eleven is posted there I imagine more people will notice if something is wrong.
That's right. You want the next chapter? You go to the site and read it. I'm too tired to mess with HTML right now. It's up on the site in all its pretty formatting. I even adjusted the grid size for my personal amusement.
Seriously, though, I'm not awake enough to have the patience to post the eleventh chapter on LJ right now. You all get to laboriously move your mouses to open the link in a new window (or, gasp, open it in THIS ONE) and go click links until you get to the right spot. I'll eventually put chapter eleven into LJ, I'm just not up to it at the moment but feel guilty about having not put it here already.
<< If you'd be so kind as to leave a review SOMEWHERE I can find it, it would be most appreciated. It makes me feel good.
In other news: I have a job. Training is this Thursday, first shift is Friday morning. How will this affect my ability to write? << In all honesty, it probably won't. Believe it or not (and you'd better believe it), chapter twelve is STILL not done, in spite of all my efforts to finish it. The urge to delete most of what I have so far is a pretty big sign to me that I might need to rethink how I'm going about this chapter.
So... Many apologies to all, but it might be a while before it actually gets done. I'll do my best to finish it SOON, but it would seem I've been lacking the mental capacity to do anything with it.
I'm hoping that finally posting chapter eleven will have eliminated some of the bad grisgris and I'll finally be able to get on with it, but first -
I sleep.