Feb 13, 2007 05:25
The Northish Ameridinian Quehog is unique in many ways. It tends to be attracted to the domiciles of drug users and the unstable. They range in size from 4 inches to 2 feet in diameter and are roughly round. Coloration is generally brownish but have been reported to be fuchsia and puce. Noticeable characteristics include the fact that they can only be seen from the absolute periphery of vision and move extraordinarily quickly. An infestation can start from the smallest quantity of inebriates and once it takes hold can be very difficult to get rid of. Victims will report quick, vague shapes in the corner of their eyes and an uncertainty regarding their existence. Those who have had infestations for a prolonged period of time will discover holes burrowed into walls leading to nothing, various neglected items and stacks knocked over while one is not in the room and a vague sense of dread right before sleep.