Today started out mediocre, but boy did it get better! I spent some time working on the Daisy Miller duo, and frowning because it didn't seem terribly interesting. But on the bright side we got to totally skip french (I went to Fred Meyers where the cashier was quite nice) and had an awesome lab where Alex and I macerated oranges. Blood oranges are teh win (zor) *cough*
To my surprise our G4 poster is now finished, and it looks hella organized and really really hard to read (Times size 12 font!). But Alex drew the Vesuvian (whatever) man as a runner, which is pretty amusing. Our title? "Running with Physics" we also had such headers as "Physics is Phun!" and "To run or weight?"
(And Jasmine, the only reason people made comments was because they were worried about you, not because you were snappish. We just noticed that you looked a bit off, etc.)
Anywho! Highlight of the day was going over to Tim's. First off, we decided that our duo WAS pretty boring, which led to a bunch of ideas (mainly rambling by yours truly...woah...deja vu!) and then the brilliant decision to check out Asimov's Prelude to Foundation. Turns out I had kind of forgotten how brilliant the man was at constructing interesting/natural dialoge (etc) and we found the perfect duo...I think! Needless to say, it also fits our personality/relationship fairly well, so I'm psyched. Then I watched some Firefly. I'm in love! KAYLEE!!! She is SO SO SO cute! The umbrella! And the chair! And the hair! She also reminds me of THE kk. *fuzziness* so so so adorable. Anywho, love the show, its brilliant, I must watch more.
Well! That's all I have to say tonight folks. Hope you're all having fun doing your respective things.
1. Post a list of up to 15 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video
games/etc. that you've had an obsessive fannish love of at some time in
your life.
2. Have your friend list guess your favourite character from each item.
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Dune (the entire series)
3. Shrek
4. Everwood
6. Deus Ex
7. The Chronicles of Narnia
8. Nancy Drew
9. Gladiator
10. Starcraft
11. The Simpsons
12. The OC
13. Snow Crash
14. Star Trek: Voyager (scoff all you want!)
15. Redwall