Jul 29, 2005 10:07
Free Geek, is really really cool! I've started on evalutation 2 of the build program which is where you determine proc speeds! Prying open computers is a blast, and now I really want to open up my own and see how impressive it is. (not a good idea...I swear I wont do it) On a side note, however, whoever invented screws should be shot.
Deviant Art browsing is amusing, I hadnt known so many lincolnites were on there as well. But really...I think half the deviations are either squicky pseudo goth/punk softcore porn, or anime.
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Wednesday with Nathan. We went to century theater, which was very nice because we got kettle corn! *evil cackle* and I think "Weird" sums up that movie in one word. Yeah...he definitely took some material from Michael Jackson to play Willy Wonka. Overall I liked the Charlie, Violet, and Mike in this movie better than the original, I liked the Baruca from the original better...this one couldnt quite pull off the "I want it NOW", and Augustus was just there to be fat...so whatever. The squirrels were cute!
I'm going to be at the beach this weekend, hopefully working on the tan will occur...not sure about that though.
*sniffles* kk is grounded! Kk must convey how Germany was soon!
free geek,
charlie and the chocolate factory,
deviant art,