Am sick. Am irritable. Have lost all pronouns and most articles, both definite and in-. Please send chocolate and The Elements of Style, stat.
Am compelled by slightly sniffly gratitude to post the following thanks:
to spuffyduds, washa_way, and the Things for hosting me this past weekend and putting up with my warmed-over-deathlike self;
to j_s_cavalcante for deluxe box of YAAARN, which I only just picked up from the post office (thanks to it refusing to fit into any of their "pick up your package here, human" boxes and my therefore needing to try to hit the place when it was actually staffed, instead of late at night like usual) and cannot wait to explore;
to whoever gave me the awesome black-and-pink-heart-button anonymous gift to my LJ as a match for the black-and-lace Docs I'm on the verge of buying;
to all the people who voted in the black-and-lace-Docs panel, especially those who managed not to tell me how entirely confounding they find what there is of my sense of style;
to the SG, who sent me flowers (I love flowers; also they remind me of La Mama, which the SG knows);
and to the makers of Ricola lemon-mint throat drops and whoever thought of infusing Kleenex with aloe lotion. (This last thanks comes most particularly from the affected body parts.)
ETA: and also, ye gods, to the people who said lovely things about me on svmadelyn's Val's Day anonymous love meme. Y'all are far too kind. Like MMWD, I am bookmarking that page for later cheers and warmings of the heart.
In conclusion: thank God for federal holidays.