Del and Phyllis have been a local icon for more than half my life. My sisters came out as queer in the seventies, when I was in junior high or younger. I've known about Del and Phyllis and their contributions since maybe '76.
Until reminded, I'd forgotten that they were among the first to get married when Newsome did that under local law - and then to have their marriages declared illegal thereafter. I can't even imagine how that must feel.
Sometimes I think we need more iconographic figures.
They were the very first. And afterwards, they threw a huge public wedding reception, full of LGBT couples and friends. gramina and I went, although we can't get married for other reasons. (Sigh.)
This is something I'll be actively fighting for. Because marriage is a human right.
Sometimes I think we need more iconographic figures.
This is something I'll be actively fighting for. Because marriage is a human right.
*squidges you* Con.txt - so near, and yet so far!
(don't suppose you are coming to can_con2008, by any happy chance?)
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