OOC: Crossposted from
theatrical_muse today.
Well, here I am again, after a hiatus of a year by your time or several thousand by mine, but who's counting?
As I look around this place, I realize I don't recognize any of you. Superb! Variety is the spice of life, especially when your life is as long and tedious as mine. Of course, most of you will prove not to be worth my time anyway, but perhaps I'll find a few of you worthy of having a conversation with.
But I suppose this means I need to introduce myself again... (sigh) Why can't you all just be as omniscient as I am, so I never have to do this again?
I am Q, of the Q Continuum. I'm immortal, mostly invulnerable, as nearly omnipotent as you're ever likely to meet... and usually bored out of my mind. This place provided some entertainment, once upon a time; I can only hope it can do so again.
Write about the word "Impossible".
Excuse me, you must be talking to someone else.
I am a Q. My species is immortal (mostly), omnipresent (on a technicality, at least), and omnipotent (nearly). There is *nothing* that is impossible for us… just things that our fellow Q don't want us to do, things our own morality suggests might be a bad idea to do, and things we haven't quite figured out how to do yet.
Up until very recently, my people considered it impossible to reproduce in the traditional mortal fashion -- that is, for two Q to combine "genetic" material to create a new being, who would start out as an infant and grow in power and ability over time. We'd never needed reproduction - all of us had either been involved in the creation of the Continuum, and therefore had been translated from mortal beings into the immortal, ineffable entities we are today, or had been
created full-blown as adolescents by those early pioneers, in order to help out around the house. For billions of years we hadn't bothered to actually create any new Q; we occasionally invited a mortal to be translated into one of our number, but that's not reproduction, that's assimilation.
But two old friends of mine had the brilliant idea of reproducing a new Q from scratch by
taking mortal bodies and having a kid with them. And then, after their antics upset the Continuum so badly that they were executed and events were triggered which eventually led to civil war, I upped the ante by figuring out how to reproduce a new Q *as* a Q, without the intermediary of a mortal form. I am thus the
pissed-off daddy of the only Q ever to be born as an infant within the Continuum.
So see? Nothing is impossible. You just have to figure out how to do it. Oh, and then live with the consequences of what you've done for the rest of eternity.
Muse: Q
Fandom: Star Trek: TNG and VOY