Human nature

Feb 10, 2008 14:02

OOC: Reposted from theatrical_muse from 11/21/2006, 48 of 50 posts.

Name one thing about human nature that puzzles you. (Or your own species/race, if you are not human and don't wish to do this on humans.)

I have to limit myself to just one thing? There are so many! I mean, I'm vastly more knowledgeable than nearly anyone else in the universe, and yet, humans are so ridiculous I could write a book about it.

EVOLUTION: Can you believe these bozos actually questioned the concept that they were related to monkeys? I mean, look at them. Really *look* at them. Then look at a monkey. Then shave the monkey. How do you miss that resemblance?

They used to insist that they couldn't be monkeys because they were created in the image of God. Well, how did they know God wasn't a monkey? (Actually, I know quite a few gods who enjoy taking the shape of monkeys... but I digress.)

WARS OVER RELIGION: I can grasp the idea of war a bit better than I used to be able to, now that we've actually fought one. But our war was over differing ideologies, with the survival of the entire Q Continuum at stake. I can understand war over limited resources. But war over god? When you all believe that your God is going to punish unbelievers in an afterlife, anyway? Why exactly would an omnipotent, omniscient entity need you to act as his enforcer? He can't do his own dirty work? I got news, honey, omnipotent entities do *not* need mortals to kill other mortals to enforce their edicts. We can do it ourselves. The only point to getting mortals to kill each other over how much they believe in you is that it's damn funny.

SEX: Yeah, it's fun and all, but really, it's not all that. Why do humans organize their entire lives around it? Particularly when they then turn around and refuse to talk about it at all? I must be missing something. I've tried it with a few hundred humans and, y'know, it's nice, but so's riding a roller coaster and people don't organize their whole lives around that.

And on that topic:

HUMAN WOMEN: You're half the population of humanity and you raise the kids, but for all but 300 years or so of human history you've let men push you around, claim you have the brains of a pet dog, and treat you like property. Exactly why did you put up with this? Your species is perfectly capable of banding together to fight a mutual threat that's a lot bigger and meaner than you, so don't tell me it's because the big meanies are stronger than you are.

Oh, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. I'd better stop before I get off on a decade-long rant.

theatrical_muse_post_firstrun, philosophy_rants

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