Apr 06, 2006 09:05
Wow, it's been over a month since I updated. Life goes on. I'm sure I could think of things to talk about if I really wanted to. Whatever.
The biggest change in my life recently is my... Outlook on women. In the last twelve months I've encountered: b/f (i'm a 'maybe' if she was single), engaged, married, single (not interested), b/f, married, b/f (she'd be 'open to the idea' if she were single), single (not looking), and single (not looking).
Talk about negative feedback, jeez.
Right, so I'm just giving up for the time being. No, I'm not going gay, just... I'm shutting off the active radar. Switching to passive only. If someone woman drops into my lap, then so be it, but otherwise... meh.
Anyway, enough about that. Summer plans. I still don't really have any. I need to reapply to Best Buy. Apparently their auto-filter caught my application. It helps to have an inside man sometimes. I do know that I'm going to be out here for Becca and Jason's wedding in May. Definitely not going to be missing that.
I sent off an email earlier requesting Steve as my roomie next year. Sam thinks I should just toss myself headfirst into the great pool and hope I come out smelling like a rose. History has shown that that isn't too likely. Nick, Mike, Brad... Poor bastards.
Oh yeah. It's hell week. For us drama folk anyway. It was made significantly worse by surbeck scheduling boning us up the ass. They took most of the week that we had scheduled for set build and went and gave it away. And then, when surbeck closes at ten/eleven, we get kicked out (we steal the stage in the evening when everyone is done). The only (not exaggerating here) reason we have a set this semester is because four of us skipped all out classes on tuesday and wednesday so we could build set. This can't keep happenning. It's friggin' ridiculous. Right, so come tuesday when I have some small amount of time, I'm going to go talk to scheduling and see if we can _not_ get boned in the future. If I can't extract some sort of written guarentee from them, I'm going to see if I can hit up Reenee for the ability to stay in the ballroom after Surbeck closes. If she says no, I'm going to hit up Dean Mahn. Then the president of the school. Somebody, somewhere, will make things happen for us.
Let's see... Oh yes, Stacey and Jason are going to move in. The whole situation seems eerily familiar with what happened between him and Sami so far. And we all know how that went. But, whatever. I'm done with her, so I don't care all that much.
Right, so as many of you are aware, running Azurues here at school destroys your connection. Granted, with the encrypted traffic option we can pull real speeds, but your connection is gone. No IM, no browsing, nothing. So I went ahead and installed my wireless card in Q_Machine and disabled it's ethernet port. Now I leech 'net off TI. Well, only until my last five torrents finish. After that, I'm going back to having an active dc connection.
Well, my morning is nearly gone. I was up entirely too late talking to Jon and James about... Everything. Have a good day world.
"I'm a ramblin' wreck from Rapid Tech..."