Jan 27, 2006 01:24
So yesterday I spent almost seven hours straight working on homework. I think I worked my brain so hard I actually got hungry before I went to bed (unusual for me).
My monitor is starting to die. It's getting the nasty shadow effect that monitors get before they die.
I did a dual boot with linux monday. Apparently the drivers for my sata card don't exist or suck. Damn thing locks up if it's in its slot.
Today was hectic.
Got up at 9.
Class at 10.
Food/Diff hw at 11.
EE lab at 12.
Finished early, did Diff.
CEng lab at 2.
Finished early, did Diff.
Ate at 5.
Putzed around.
IVCF at 7.
My day is done at 8:30.
I dont' know. I should type something in paragraph form. I suppose I could talk about the changes I made to my website. Or the discussion I had with Jenn. Or how lonely I feel sometimes. Or how good it feels to be close to being completely caught up on my homework. Or how I'm missing one of my blue balls. Or that I got The Dormitory on dvd today. Or the theme I installed after reformatting. Or that I sold my used Spanish books to Travis. Or that Stacey is again drifting away from me. Or what a mess my bottom drawer is. Or the magic deck I'd like to build. Or that I'm going ice skating tomorrow night. But I digres...
Yeah, I'm not going anywhere with that.
"You'd rather be unhappy with me than be alone?"